Category Archives: cops

Here is a comment I picked up from Facebook that pretty well sums it up.

Glĕnn Schrĕibĕr posted this yesterday.
 Here’s the problem. COPS are for the most part, not trained properly. They know almost nothing about actual law, law enforcement or what actual Laws they are supposed to be enforcing and they don’t care. To impose admiralty and maritime law on dry-land to those who do not work for the federal government and not on the payroll of the government is FRAUD. POLICE OFFICERS operate exclusively within the admiralty jurisdiction as further specified by their blue and gold colors.
These corporate ‘State’ and municipal CODE enforcement officers do not work for us. COPS do not protect and serve the people anymore operating as part of an organized crime syndicate under local (corrupt) government and State statutory color of law. It is not the job of the POLICE to protect and to serve you. They are serving themselves (and all the crooked politicians) and their pockets and retirement accounts.
COPS in America today are highly predatory against the rights of the people and will readily convert your claim and exercise of an unalienable Right into a commercial “CRIME”. POLICE OFFICERS routinely step on state and federal constitutions and demonstrate a blatant disrespect and disregard for Supreme Court rulings and Justice decisions.
The foreign AGENT BAR attorneys need these third party DEBT COLLECTORS out on the streets, roads and highways to fine and arrest “CODE breakers” and to round up paying customers to keep the turnstiles of the corporate commercial courts spinning briskly with paying customers. POLICE are about as dangerous to our liberties as standing armies.
– Without prejudice, without recourse –

The left is causing the hatred, and the article below by Mike Adams lays it out.

Having said that, and recognizing that the police are under major pressure regarding their own safety, I will also say that their training in the real law of this land is severely lacking.  Many who are now police should never have been given a gun and a badge.  They are tyranny waiting to happen because they don’t understand their own rights and your rights under God. 
They are out there trying to enforce codes and statutes rather than trying to preserve the peace. They are working for the wrong entities. They are working for corporations that are mostly for profit entities at the top, who have serious disregard for the real law or peace. They are listening to hate groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center rather than getting in depth training in how to preserve that supreme law and your rights. Without that training their whole job is an exercise in futility, and very dangerous indeed.  But the solution to their safety problems is not to fall into the trap that the media and SPLC create with their leftist hate speech, and become polarized by it. That just adds to the tension.
When will they learn how to keep their oath to the Constitution for the united States of America?
Law enforcement needs to stand down from the role of police state thugs, and become officers of peace and good relations with the communities they serve.   YES SERVE, not run rough shod over.  These men are getting paid to keep the peace, not destroy it.
They need to learn how to keep their oath, and then they need to teach that to the people they serve.
There needs to be an attitude adjustment.  That attitude adjustment needs to start with cops.
When will they start arresting the scofflaws at the top of the political left, and the leftist media, for promoting and advancing violence, and for the left’s own disregard for the supreme laws of this land contained in that Constitution they swore to uphold and protect?
The young man shot by a nervous cop in Minnesota was trying to comply with the codes by getting a concealed carry permit, which nobody should even be required to have in the first place. His fatal mistake, was to reach for his wallet to show the nervous cop his permit. Big mistake. But not all his mistake. 
( Now I am being told that this whole thing was doctored, and the victim was being stopped because he looked like a suspect in a robbery of a convenience store, and the cop shot him because he had a gun on his lap. I still say the police training is faulty. If he was a dangerous felon why does one cop attempt to take him down? No Backup? The problem is the media doesn’t want to tell the truth about any of these incidents if it doesn’t play to their narrative. Where is the undoctored video with audio taken by the cops with their cameras? It’s obvious we will never be told the entire truth.
Here is the latest page I can find backing up the new information:
 The one that shot him WAS NOT PROPERLY TRAINED, and probably should not have been given a badge in the first place. If that is going to be the normal course of attitude by police, then the cities are doomed to violent meltdown, AND THAT IS JUST WHAT THE LEFT WANTS.
Obama and his crew WANT THE VIOLENCE so they can have an excuse to declare an illegal so called martial law state, and slam down curfews, and lock this country down into totalitarian control. Obama and his crew want to be the first dictators of America, and the leftist media are going along for the ride.

Obama wants to stay in office using martial law as an excuse to destroy the constitutional limits, which he has completely disregarded from the day he took office as the CEO of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION  unlawfully masquerading as our government.
The fact is they are all criminals of the highest order, and until the people who keep the peace, including police, sheriffs, military and militia, realize it and start to arrest the real criminals we are all in deep dodo.
We had better learn how to provide for our own security as communities, and we had better AVOID the cities like the plague, where this is happening.

Here is my priority list.  Even though I am in the silver business, I tell everyone that unless you have everything on this list covered, YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS BUYING SILVER, and especially gold.

1. Food   Get some long term food storage items. Have enough food on hand for at least a few months.

2. Security  Have some guns, ammo, tactical equipment, and get some training about how to work as a team with your neighbors to provide defensive security. Learn what you need to know about intelligence gathering and processing. Set up an area of operation and vet the people who will be a part of your security team.

3. Communications  Get your ham radio license and get some equipment. Become part of a network especially at the local level. The structure for this is already in place. you just have to plug in.  Without communications YOU HAVE NO SECURITY!  Without daily use and practice your equipment will do you no good whatsoever.
You need to be very familiar with various forms, and you need to be plugged in to your local network by various methods.   and for equipment

4. Medical  Get some medical supplies. You can buy them at any gun show. Then get some basic training on how to use them.
5. Engineering  Learn how to build water and power systems. These skills will be critical.  Learn food storage techniques, and food processing for storage. Get some solar panels, storage batteries, a power inverter.  You can take this as far as you want, but you get the idea. Call me at800 889 2839 for general information about alternative power systems like solar, batteries, inverters etc.
6. General Preparedness  Stock up on all the dry goods you normally buy. Think of everything in  your household that you use on a daily or weekly basis. Things you take for granted like toilet paper, laundry detergent, spices, bath soap, toothpaste, hair products, etc. etc.
How about fuel, and a generator. Gas can now be made to last 15 years in Storage and Diesel 25 years.
Here is how:  Read the flyers first.

Well you get the idea. Don’t consider yourself prepared unless you have all these covered.  To learn more go to this link. 

For Two way radio gear:
To purchase silver:
To earn Silver:
For Fuel Preservative:
For Solar power products:
For Stun Guns:

800 889 2839  or local at 406 889 3183   or by email printable article

Originally published July 8 2016

Hate spewing leftist media complicit in the mass shooting of Dallas police: Health Ranger issues statement in defense of police

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) STATEMENT FROM NATURAL NEWS PUBLISHER MIKE ADAMS: I realize this statement has nothing to do with natural health, nutrition or GMOs. But as a Texan, a firearms owner and a long-time supporter of local law enforcement, I am appalled, disgusted and nauseated by the mass shooting of law enforcement officers in Dallas that took place this evening. I feel compelled to issue this statement and ask the all-important question, Where did all this hatred for police really come from?

The honest, politically incorrect answer is that it came from the leftist, liberal media which has, for the last several years, deliberately worked to maliciously paint all police officers as bigoted, racist murderers and executioners. Through this sort of vitriol, hate-spewing online publishers like the Huffington Post practically painted bulls eyes on the backs of police officers, riling up the very kind of hatred that has now turned to acts of extreme violence against our men and women in blue. (Four Dallas police officers now dead, according to reports, with many more critically injured…)

The leftist media encouraged and elicited the hatred that led to this violence

Under the false guide of “tolerance,” the leftist media has engaged in extremely irresponsible journalistic malpractice by directly encouraging mass hatred directed toward police officers all across this nation. It was only a matter of time before this mass distribution of lies and hatred toward law enforcement ended in real world violence.

Guns alone did not kill these police… the weapons were deliberately used by angry, hate-filled individuals whose minds have been filled with intolerance and vitriol spewed by the leftist media. This violence deliberately targeted police officers, not just random people on the street. The people who carried this out clearly sought to inflict extreme pain, suffering and death of uniformed peace officers. Plans to engage in such carefully selected violence do not come into being out of nowhere… they must be elicited, encouraged and even invoked by the HATE MEDIA of the left.

By pursuing their editorial policies of hate, leftist publishers like the Washington Post have, in effect, unleashed open street warfare against police officers, putting all our lives at extreme risk. They have created nationwide conditions of extreme hatred and division, then they poured gasoline on the tinder box, knowing it would set the nation aflame. Their deliberate campaign of hatred and destruction against America has now been horrifyingly realized in pain, blood, chaos and racial division. This is what the left seeks!

Why I fully support local law enforcement

I have a long, established history with local law enforcement. I was granted a citizens’ award by the Chief of Police of Tucson, Arizona, and I served two years on the board of directors of the Tucson Police Foundation. I’m also trained in tactical handgun combat and long-range target shooting. As a friend of local police and a firearms owner, I can tell you from extensive firsthand experience that nearly all the police are trying as hard as they can to do their jobs and protect public safety.

What the leftist media never tells you is that police operate under near-impossible conditions of extreme risk and horrible pay, and over the last several years, they’ve now had to deal with the extreme risk of being targeted by hate-filled individuals who have been “programmed” by the leftist media to seek out and threaten (or even assault) officers of the law.

Have no illusions that the leftist media is complicit in this violence against police officers, and they revel in the ratings they are able to achieve by covering the very shootings they have elicited in the first place.

Of no coincidence, this same leftist media is simultaneously doing everything in its power to see a traitorous, anti-American criminal elected to the White House. There is no crime that goes too far for the leftist media that routinely engages in defamatory, slanderous and violence-invoking hate speech directed at not just police officers but also people like Donald Trump, a man who, despite his faults, is maligned hourly by a vicious, deceitful leftist media that exists solely to advance an anti-America, leftist political agenda.

As a law-abiding American, I am sickened by the way in which the political left is systematically destroying this nation from within while aiding and abetting mass murderers and war criminals.

As influential publishers, we must all call for community peace and the respect of local police

It’s time for all of us who are influential publishers to call out the complicity of the hate-spewing leftist media. Their extreme hatred and elicitation of violence has gone on for far too long; and even in covering this violence that they caused, they will dishonestly blame guns rather than pointing the finger at themselves for eliciting the hatred that inspired these extreme acts of violence.

The kind of “journalism” practiced by the left is beyond reprehensible… it is complicit in acts of mass murder. Simply stated, the leftist media as it exists today is the propaganda arm of anti-American mass murderers who are now deliberately targeting those who carry out law and order in America. The goal, it seems, is to destroy not just the fabric of law at the highest levels, but also to decimate those who carry out law enforcement in our communities.

Tonight, there is blood on the hands of the leftist media, which includes the Huffington Post, New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times and all the other sources of intolerant, hate-based, anti-American and anti-police media outlets that are now ripping this nation to shreds from the inside out.

America cannot survive the left’s insidious, destructive and deliberate intention to unleash mass violence across our cities in the false name of “social justice.” We the People must take a firm stand against their unrelenting lawnessness and their total abandonment of the rule of law in America. It is time to restore law, defend our communities against leftist violence, and expose the real agenda of extreme radical leftist bloggers, journalists and publishers who revel in the very idea of destroying America from within.

As the publisher of Natural News, I will be loudly and repeatedly calling for citizen support of local law enforcement. As the same time, I am going to be calling out the hate-spewing publishers, bloggers and “journalists” who have contributed to the hatred and vitriol that has now led to heartbreaking bloodshed in Dallas. At the same time, my own firearms will be locked and loaded, not only in my own self defense but also in the defense of law enforcement officers who may need citizens’ aid to survive ambushes that have been all but staged by the left.

These deaths did not happen in a vacuum. There are reasons for this violence, and an investigation of those reasons leads directly to the left’s extreme hatred for America, hatred for police and hatred for the respect of law (as witnessed all the way up to the top presidential candidate of the left). It is time to call out this leftist hatred of America and start defending our nation against the “journalistic terrorism” of the leftist media.

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Cop Logic supposed to be funny but it’s NOT FUNNY, its CRIMINAL

This is supposed to be comedy, but to me it’s NOT FUNNY.  Cops commit crimes by unlawfully stopping people every day thousands of time in this country.

I am not laughing.  This kind of arrogance is why people hate the cops. It makes people who are victims want to bad mouth law enforcement, and they probably deserve it when they behave like this.

Found here: