Category Archives: DARPA

An Empire Strikes Home_Parts One through Five


If this article from Elias Alias of Oathkeepers doesn’t scare you at least a little bit, you need to pay better attention to what is happening around you.

All five parts of this lengthy article are now posted at Oath Keepers’ national website. You are invited to share this email and these links. Those of you who have websites and/or blogs are welcome to post – please include my name (Elias Alias) as author and the original links at Oath Keepers. Thank you!

Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:
Part Four:
Part Five:

“Tensions are high and continue to rise. Fear is rampant and is being fanned by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and all the other usual suspects in the Federal array. Our economy is in its death throes and preparations are being made for the U.S. dollar to be replaced as the world’s reserve currency. Home loss is rampant, job loss is rising, suicide rates among civilians and veterans is skyrocketing, natural disasters are pounding, corruption is everywhere, socialism/Marxism/collectivism are on the march through our social and cultural institutions, our Bill of Rights is being held hostage by a belief system based on ignorance of the virtues of personal freedom in a Republic of law, our schools are pumping humanist/behaviorist existentialist immorality into our children’s heads while Wall Street is conquering their souls with hi-tech toys and myriad related distractions. The nation is in a bad way, and the worse things become, the tighter the Federal government squeezes to wring out the last vestiges of personal freedom and liberty for the American people. And their wealth. Many Americans are feeling such angst now, and the public mentality shifts toward a heightened awareness of the presence of government in everything people do.”
Brief synopses for easy reference:

Part One:

SWAT killing of Marine Jose Guerena at his home – false publicity campaign initially put forth by Pima County Sheriff Department in wake of the killing – point-blank lies about Jose Guerena shooting at the SWAT team members as they burst open his door – use of media to distort truth about the killing; my premise that the SWAT killing of Guerena was the publicly visible tip of the spear of a Federal policy which is now threatening the Constitution for the united States of America.

Part Two:

The militarization of our peace officer community; the domestic military deployment; DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and then-Secretary of Defense William Cohen’s infamous speech of 1999, “Welcome To A Grave New World”. 

The National Institute of Justice report on merging the military with law enforcement (1997). Then a concept which the mainstream media has forgotten to share with the public – “OOTW”. That stands for “Operations Other Than War”, and it is a transition of the U.S. military mission from one of national defense into one of “peace keeping” and “police work”. It also includes psychological operations. We also brought into the fray a now-defunct neo-con slice of madness called the Project for a New American Century (which has now taken down their website). We referred readers to The Report From Iron Mountain. These concepts go toward building an understanding of a philosophy of statist authoritarianism as coming at us now from the Federal government.

Part Three:

In Part Three we covered something called “UW” – Unconventional Warfare, which ties in with “OOTW” as seen in Part Two. We discovered “Irregular Warfare” (IW). We learned that psy-ops warriors are expected to use “terrorists” and other criminal types as “surrogates” in psy-ops. (Think: Oklahoma City Bombing and the attacks of 9/11/2001.) We learned that OOTW, UW, and IW all involve psychological operations and can include Black Operations, Covert Operations, Special Operations, Clandestine Operations, and unspeakable crimes committed with Presidential blessings – so long as the President enjoys “plausible deniability” in case they are exposed (as in the case of Bay of Pigs fiasco, one of CIA’s biggest international war-crimes ever, which blew-back in Kennedy’s face and cost the top three men at CIA their careers).

Part Four:

In Part Four we look at the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and their interface with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the White House (Cass Sunstein). We note that the private sector think tanks which feed DHS and the Pentagon profiles on American citizens and military personnel are united in their attack on Oath Keepers; and we also note that such organizations are now exposed as being a malicious attempt by lock-stepping groups to defame and slander loyal Constitutionalist Americans such as Oath Keepers, who demand that government, to be lawful, must abide by its founding legal charter.

Part Five:

An intimate look at the tortured soul of Daryl Johnson, author of the infamous DHS report of April 07, 2009, which was leaked to the public. Part Five is the conclusion of this series, which I trust establishes and sustains my original premise that what killed Jose Guerena at his home at Tucson, Arizona on May 05, 2011, was a Federal policy acting through a local Sheriff Department SWAT team to execute Federal tyranny on an American Marine war veteran and his family.
I submit that I have established:

a) 1- that such a mental pathology, coupled with disregard for the Constitution, can influence Federal policy in a deluded perception of how the U.S. Federal government is to administer itself upon the people who support it;

b) 2- that mental pathology works through private-sector think tanks to influence Federal policy;

c) 3- that Federal policy presently enjoys centralized Intelligence, Military, and Domestic Enforcement license which stands now as the infrastructure for profoundly altering the nature of governance in America;

d) 4- that patterns of abuse are abundantly apparent throughout Federal policy (ATF’s Fast And Furious gun-running escapades for the Mexican drug cartels being the most recent criminality to be exposed; see: );

e) 5- that those patterns of abuse include psychological operations involving radio, television, and the press under terms of Unconventional Warfare and Operations Other Than War;

f) 6- that with the use of interfaced databases through the DHS we now see before us a chain of command extending from DHS downward through the Pentagon and FEMA and outward like a giant sinister spider-web to regional, State-level, and local enforcement agencies and offices;

g) 7- that the Federal perceptions of DHS, Justice Department, State Department, the Pentagon, the White House and a wide field of Intelligence agencies and interlocked private-sector corporations and contractors and think tanks are now unified toward the preservation of centralized, authoritarian, un-Constitutional government power, even at the expense of dissent among the American people.

Fifty thousand to seventy thousand SWAT rampages a year in America are but symptoms of this. Those of us among the population who oppose this policy, such as Oath Keepers, are branded as “extremists” and “anti-government conspiracy theorists”, and if the SPLC, ADL, DHS, and Pentagon are not corrected in this policy, very soon every person reading this, including you, will also be thusly branded. In the eyes of the power elite, every citizen who is not “anti-Constitution” is now seen as being “anti-government”.

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