Category Archives: false flag terror

Just Who is Responsible for these False Flag Terrorist events?

Just who is responsible for these repeated false flag terrorist events around the world?
This might give you some clues.

The Honorary President of the Italian Supreme Court said WHAT??

Who is this “Bilderberg Group” he talks about below?
And what do these “unknowns” have to do with anything going on in our world today, anyway?
And this group of high Corporate elites, Royal family elites, World Bankers and elected major World Leaders from “democratic” countries — did what?  Hired terrorists to blow up innocent civilians on commuter trains?

Read on.  And GET IT!

Because the next psychiatric-drug induced teenager’s attack on an elementary school, an assassination at a  Cafe, or a shot-up Movie Theatre, or their REALLY Big One at a very large Trade Center complex in New York City, or the latest horrendous tragedy at a Boston Marathon — causing the carnage and deaths of yours, and other countries’ innocent civilians — is a routine and common practice of these ruthless Globalist Elite criminals do, as your new unelected leaders.  Harsh words?  Hardly…  Make no mistake, this is terrible stuff.  And you
and I did NOT do it.  But someone did, and here it is.

And it took a highly honored old man from italy to say it, and show it’s validity.

Want to know what is REALLY going on in your world?

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Italian Supreme Court President Blames Bilderberg For Terrorist Attacks

Document says secretive group was involved in “strategy of tension”
Paul Joseph Watson
April 11, 2013

Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy and former Senior Investigative Judge Ferdinando Imposimato, the man who prosecuted the case involving the assassination attempt against Pope John Paul II, has sensationally accused the Bilderberg Group of being behind terrorist attacks in Europe.

Ferdinando Imposimato. Image: Flickr

In an interview with the ArticoloTre website, Imposimato, who was also involved in the case involving the kidnapping and murder of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro, said that he “found a document that left me appalled” implicating the Bilderberg Group in conspiring with the far right organization Ordine Nuovo to commit terror attacks.

Speaking of unsolved murders in Italy and the document in his possession, Imposimato stated, “When it comes to slaughter it also speaks of the Bilderberg Group. I believe this document. I did some tests and I can say that behind the strategy of tension and the slaughters there is also the Bilderberg group, a sort of Big Brother is over, maneuvering, using terrorists and Masons. “
The “strategy of tension” refers to a policy under the auspices of Operation Gladio, a NATO cold war “stay behind” project that sought to create an expedient political climate in Europe by having its agents carry out terror attacks which were then blamed on both far left and far right political groups.
Gladio was designed to demonize political opposition and “force the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security,” according to the testimony of former Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra. In 2000, an Italian parliamentary investigation found that the 1980 Bologna train bombing, which killed 85 people, was carried out by “men inside Italian state institutions and … men linked to the structures of United States intelligence.”
“You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game,” Vinciguerra explained in sworn testimony.

“The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security. This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the state cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened,” he added.
Imposimato stated that he was given the document by a former Ordine Nuovo terrorist. Members of Ordine Nuovo (Italian for “New Order”) participated in numerous deadly terrorist attacks, including the 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing, the 1970 Rome-Messina train attack, the 1974 Piazza della Loggia bombing in Brescia, and the Italicus Express bombing in 1974.
The Bilderberg Group is an annual confab of around 120 of the most influential power brokers on the planet from the world of politics, business, banking, academia, media, and even royalty. The organization’s yearly meeting is held in a plush hotel resort in either Europe, Canada or America, but despite a plethora of heavy hitters in attendance, the mainstream media affords the event scant coverage, labeling it a mere talking shop despite former NATO Secretary-General and Bilderberg member Willy Claes’ 2010 admission that Bilderberg attendees are mandated to implement policy decisions that are formulated during the meeting.
There are innumerable other examples of how Bilderberg has influenced major global events ahead of time, picking Presidents and Prime Ministers on a regular basis with total contempt for the democratic process.
In 2009, Bilderberg chairman Étienne Davignon even bragged about how the Euro single currency was a brainchild of the Bilderberg Group.
Imposimato’s broadside against Bilderberg follows in the footsteps of his compatriot Alfonso Luigi Marra, a prominent lawyer who recently requested that the Public Prosecutor of Rome investigate the Bilderberg Group for criminal activity, questioning whether the elitist organization’s 2011 meeting in Switzerland led to the selection of Mario Monti as Prime Minister of Italy.
Labeling the group a “unique, illegal brotherhood” of elitists who consider themselves to be “above the law,” Marra pointed the finger at Bilderberg for engineering wars, economic collapses, and arming dictators, activities which, “constitute an obvious, blatant violation, to say the least, of the articles of the Criminal Code.”
The precise date and location of the 2013 Bilderberg meeting is yet to be confirmed, although speculation has centered around the confab taking place somewhere near London in early June.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
This article was posted: Thursday, April 11, 2013
The real terrorists are in government and always have been!

Was Sandy Hook a false flag engineered event to get the guns?

Make up your own mind!

To me this whole Sandy Hook shooting incident wreaks with the smoke of Satan.
He is the master of deceit!  He has his minions.

There are too many unanswered questions, and too many discrepancies in the videos and reports by news media for this to be anything but a false flag staged event to get your guns. Don’t fall for this ruse.
I am not saying real people didn’t die, but I don’t think they died the way these mental prostitute news media and government seditionists have said they did. This whole thing is criminal beyond description and evil beyond the ability of the English language to convey.

This might have been planned for a long time, and the preparations might have been out there for 10 years or more. There is one clip in the new Batman film playing during the shooting in Aurora Colorado that clearly shows the words Sandy Hook, on a map during the film. HOW in the world could that have been built in to a movie that far before this incident if they didn’t know what was coming?

If what these videos are saying is right, was there really people killed at Sandy Hook?  They make movies all the time that look very real with what appears to be people dead or dying.

And then there is this footage that really brings out the right questions?

And then there is this evidence:

Draw your own conclusions, but I don’t buy it!
I don’t buy this one any more than I buy the Aurora incident, or anything the “news” media tells us at this point. TURN YOUR TELL LIE VISION OFF. Go to the internet, and start visiting with your neighbors.
Above all tell your sheriff and county commissioners to secure your county against government goons taking your guns, and offer to help them do it.
For solutions go to these websites:     and   and

Operation Gladio and false flag terror campaigns

The real terrorists are in government!

In August 1990, Giulio Andreotti, Italian Prime Minister, confirmed that during the Cold War period had existed in Italy and other Western countries, some of them attached to NATO, a clandestine army under the code name Gladio. His revelations led to a major political scandal, not only admit, but because he had denied in 1974, when he was defense minister.

The result of those investigations conducted in Italy between 1974 and 1990 came to lightfollowinginformation concerning the activities of the sinister Gladio, which sometimes appeared as a right-wing terrorist organization, and sometimes the extreme left, as appropriate their purposes. And what are these purposes? Destabilize certain European governments for the benefit of United States and increased their political influence in them.

As information on the organization Gladio were subsequently published, the story was becoming more ominous. Since the beginning of the Cold War, independent agencies franchised by the secret services of Britain and the United States established a vast network of hired murderers, paramilitary groups, terrorist organizations and weapons caches throughout Western Europe.

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