Category Archives: Ron Paul 2012

How the GOP establishment is stealing the nomination from Ron Paul

If you follow mainstream election coverage, you might think Mitt Romney has coasted to an honest, easy, well-deserved Republican nomination. Unfortunately for Republican voters, nothing could be further from the truth. The primary process has been an all-out slugfest and many of the delegates Romney has won may be the result of dirty tricks and even election fraud. The following narrative includes links to reports, first-hand testimonials, and video evidence highlighting actions taken by the GOP to ensure a Romney victory, at the expense of fracturing the party just prior to the general election. Party leaders at the county and state level have changed or violated party rules, cancelled caucuses, changed vote counts, thrown out entire counties of votes, counted public votes privately, called-in the SWAT team, and inexplicably replaced Paul delegates with Romney delegates to block Ron Paul from winning the nomination.

Montana also experienced underhanded anti-Ron Paul shenanigans at the state Republican convention.

Coil of Rage – Ron Paul or Nothing

While I don’t subscribe to the idea that anybody is better than Obama, the following “Coil of Rage” article below has some of his own quotes that show his true attitudes toward the American people in general and white people in particular.

My opinion is that a Mitt Romney who has a record in legislation and practice somewhat similar to Obama’s in health care and some other issues like gun control, is FAR more dangerous than Obama in the respect that if he is elected vigilance will relax and he will be working behind the scenes to keep the status quo with the big banksters and others who are supporting his campaign. That will NOT do America any good because the banks and the currency will fail anyway. There is no way to save the US dollar (read Federal Reserve Note) now.

Mitt Romney is playing footsie with these banksters which makes him part of the problem, NOT part of the solution.

The powers that be in that industry have already selected him as their candidate, and have bankrolled his campaign with millions.

Ron Paul, on the other hand, would shut down this whole fraudulent currency fiasco over a short period of time, and return to a sound fiscal policy. Even if Ron Paul does everything right as President there might not be enough time to prevent the collapse of the Federal Reserve Note, and there will be good cause for the congress, led by Ron Paul, to switch to a United States Note that is gold backed, or a gold inlaid United States Treasury Note $100.00 bill that has been already printed for months.

Regardless, I will make the same statement that I made in 2008 about McCain. I would rather see Obama win the election than Romney if I can’t get Ron Paul. I can hear “Republicans” Gasp in horror, but think about it. It was the Obama push to socialism that is waking up Americans all over the nation and has made them look at the history of this nation and come to the conclusion that the “Republicrat” party IS the problem. Do you honestly think that if McCain had been elected we would have had this awakening, and the huge Freedom and Liberty movement we have today? It’s that awakening that gives us hope to return our country to Constitutional government, and NOTHING else but the Providence of God can do it. If McCain had been elected we would still have war, and gun control, and high taxes, and big government, and more gathering of power in the executive branch. We would also have had the same lessening of personal freedom, like the TSA and homeland security running rampant like we have today, and the NDAA which Romney said he would vote for as is. We would also likely have the big banking bailouts. I don’t know about the health care fiasco, but I will say that under Romney we would likely have all of the above including that as well!

So now think it over. DO YOU WANT MORE OF THE SAME STATUS QUO, or do you want a real champion of freedom, liberty, small government, and the US Constitution for your president.

Having said all that, I can imagine the howl of rage of so called “Republicans” who have swallowed the party line that if we don’t unite against Obama with any candidate at all, that he will be re-elected and our county will fall. Well I have news for you. “The country” meaning We the People are damn sick and tired of having only a choice between two evils, selected for us at the national level by republicrat lying politicians who wouldn’t know the truth if it punched them in the nose. I personally will NOT put my stamp of approval on any kind of evil at all.

Now you are probably really confused. What will Stramer do? Who will he vote for?

I have made up my mind to vote for the real change. I have made up my mind to vote for any candidate who will break apart the status quo, and tip the boat of status quo upside down, because that, my friends, is the only way to straighten out this huge mess.

I can’t vote for Obama, and I can’t vote for Romney, but I can vote for Ron Paul, no matter what ticket he is on. If he isn’t there I can write him in, and I have lost ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Why, because there is virtually NO difference between Obama and Romney in practice, except in their political rhetoric. And we all know that what they say means absolutely NOTHING at all about what they will DO once elected.

But that is not the big one. The big one in this campaign is that it’s NOT just a campaign. This whole thing is a MOVEMENT to freedom and liberty that will live on for the foreseeable future. It is my hope that this huge movement, will TAKE BACK the Republican party from top to bottom and restore it’s values, morally and politically to something similar to a Constitutional governance. The Republican party of Barry Goldwater comes to mind, but even that party was not entirely small government and strictly constitutional. We need a Republican Party that follows the views of the founders of our Country. It was only those principles and views that made this country the most free and prosperous country in the history of the world in the snap of a finger as history goes.

If I can’t have a restoration of the Republican Party, and if the party republicrat bosses can’t be unseated nationally like they are in many state party organizations by the Ron Paul people, then I will be forced to move on, but I have NOT given up on that restoration at this point.

That doesn’t mean that at this point I have to accept the choice for president or any other office in the land of those republicrat party bosses

Do some research and find the real patriots and small government champions and vote on Tuesday.

Here is who I am voting for on Tuesday.

President Ron Paul
Governor Bob Fanning with Joel Boniek
US Senator Dennis Teske
US House Steve Daines
Secretary of State Patty Lovaas
Attorney General Tim Fox
State Auditor Derek Skees
Sup of Pub. Instruction Sandy Welch
Public Service Commissioner Jim Pearson
Clerk of the supreme Court write in Bowen Greenwood
State Rep write in Philip O Grassley
Supreme court Justice 5 Laurie McKinnon
Supreme court Justice 6 Hertha L. Lund
Clerk of District Court Susan Farmer
Commissioner District 3 Steve L. Curtiss

Paul Stramer

Lincoln County State Committeeman
Voting delegate from Lincoln County supporting Ron Paul
Member of the State Republican Central Committee

LEGAL NOTICE: The Authors specifically invoke the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press, without prejudice, on this website. The information posted on this website is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America. Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this website may be reproduced unless by written consent. You hereby have written consent to post any individual post from this website containing this copyright to any other blog or email only if you post the whole and unaltered article including this copyright, and give proper credit to the author, and a link back to this blog at This applies only to articles written by Paul Stramer. ©2005-2012 by Montana Business Communications (PDS) All rights remain in force. Removing this notice forfeits all rights to recourse. Copyright strictly enforced © The videos are third party and not covered by this legal notice.
Coil of Rage ….

Is anyone out there awake? Everyone of voting age should read these two books by him; don’t buy them, just get them from the library.

From Dreams From My Father:

“I ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that, by doing so, I was ingratiating myself to whites.”

From Dreams From My Father :

“I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s race.”

From Dreams From My Father:

“There was something about her that made me wary, a little too sure of herself, maybe, and white.”

From Dreams From My Father:

“It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.”

From Dreams From My Father:

“I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn’t speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa , that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself: the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, Dubois and Mandela.”
And FINALLY ………….. and most scary:

From Audacity of Hope:

“I will stand with the Muslims, should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

If you have never forwarded an e-mail, now is the time to do so!!! We have someone with this mentality running our GREAT nation! Keep your eye on him and don’t blink.

I don’t care whether you vote Democrat, Republican, Conservative, or liberal, or like me, just American, be aware of the attitude and character of this sitting President.

In my opinion, only fools and the un-informed will vote for him in 2012

Montana Shooting Sports Association endorses Ron Paul

Montana Shooting Sports Association Endorsed Ron Paul for President

Dear MSSA Friends,

This may be one of the most important emails I’ve ever sent you.

Last December MSSA endorsed congressman Ron Paul for the Republican nomination for President, and for good reason. A copy of the news release for that endorsement is pasted below for your interest or reference.
Let me address two more points:

1) The major media wants you to think that Ron Paul has dropped out of the race. NOT TRUE. Ron Paul has chosen to focus remaining resources and energy on getting his delegates elected to the national Republican nominating convention in Tampa, Florida, in August. He knows he cannot go head-to-head with remaining contender Mitt Romney in buying expensive television time, not when Romney is supported by many of the major financial institutions in the US. And, Ron Paul has been collecting lots of delegates to Tampa. The media recently declared that Romney won Texas. The truth: Romney didn’t get a single national Republican delegate from Texas. He only won the beauty contest of the public Primary Election, which doesn’t matter at all for the nominating convention in Tampa. What matters are delegates. Delegate selection in Texas will be coming soon, but was not decided by the popular vote in the Primary. In many states, Ron Paul has been winning the majority of delegates (are you surprised that the media is not telling you this?) He may do that in Texas too. The bottom line is this: RON PAUL IS STILL VERY MUCH IN THE RACE.

2) Mitt Romney supports gun control. I don’t know Romney personally, but my take is that he’s a pretty decent guy. However, there’s no arguing that he’s a pretty decent LIBERAL guy. He has supported a ban on semi-autos and a ban on normal-capacity magazines. He’s supported a mandatory five-day waiting period to purchase a firearm. Worst, he’s supported a mandatory registration system of gun owners with a verification ID card for all gun owners, a step that led to all of the World’s genocides of about 165 MILLION people during the 1900s, according to Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. Rest assured, no matter how decent a guy Romney may be, he is NOT a friend of gun owners. About the right to keep and bear arms, Romney is very much like Obama.

So, when you go to vote on election day, please vote a Republican ballot so you can vote for Ron Paul, a lifetime supporter of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

And, forward this email to every Montana voter you know encouraging them to vote for Ron Paul, too (NOTE: A strong showing by Ron Paul in the Montana Primary Election will help us elect more Ron Paul delegates to Tampa at the upcoming Montana Republican delegate selection convention).

Thanks for taking this seriously and helping to spread the word!!!

Best wishes,

Gary Marbut, president
Montana Shooting Sports Association
author, Gun Laws of Montana


News Release

(for immediate release – December 8, 2011)

Citizen Gun Group Endorses Ron Paul for President

Missoula, Mont. – The Montana Shooting Sports Association announced today that it endorses Congressman Ron Paul for the Republican nomination for President. Citing continuing high poll numbers in spite of a media blackout, MSSA says that Ron Paul is the only candidate who offers a chance to save our Nation as a country of free people.

MSSA President Gary Marbut commented, “Paul receives more contributions from people in the military than all other candidates combined, probably because of his views on foreign policy. He is the only candidate with serious plans to significantly cut the profligate federal spending that is bankrupting our country. Most other candidates only make noises about scaling back planned increases in federal spending. Ron Paul sees the Constitution as a guiding principle, not as an irrelevant relic or a pesky barrier to be circumvented. Finally, Ron Paul has been a consistent and actual supporter of the right to bear arms throughout his entire political career, with no waffling, no compromise and no apology.”

MSSA is the primary political advocate for gun owners in Montana. MSSA has gotten 58 pro-gun and pro-hunting bills through the Montana legislature in the past 25 years, litigates pro-gun issues, and provides expertise to Montana about firearm safety, firearm education, shooting ranges, and other topics.

The media has not done a good job of informing the public that Congressman Paul came within a few votes of winning the Iowa Republican caucus straw poll, far ahead of the third-place finisher, and actually won the California Republican caucus straw poll. Many other high points of the Paul campaign have been ignored by the media, often deliberately. For example, a recent straw poll among registered voters in Oklahoma yielded these results: Ron Paul – 46%; Herman Cain – 25%; Newt Gingrich – 17%; Mitt Romney – 6%; and Rick Perry – 3% (others less).

“Many people in America realize that Dr. Paul offers actual hope for America,” Marbut continued, “and not just a warmed over version of the status quo approved by the Washington political establishment. That may be what moves the national media to see Dr. Paul as a threat, resulting in a virtual news blackout about his successful campaign.”

“American voters are realizing,” Marbut concluded, “that the first question in the Republican primary is not which candidate can beat Obama, but which candidate is capable of essential departure from the status quo necessary to save the Nation. They have figured out that Dr. Paul is the only candidate who can do both.”

Ron Paul has an A+ rating with Gun Owners of America. About Ron Paul, GOA says, “Guts. That is the one word which describes Rep. Ron Paul of Texas best. Perhaps the most consistent vote in the Congress, he can be expected to oppose any unconstitutional expansion of government, no matter how politically difficult that vote might be. Paul has been a powerful advocate for the Second Amendment and has sponsored legislation to repeal most gun laws dating back to 1968 — as well as, legislation to get the U.S. out of the anti-gun United Nations.”

Information: Gary Marbut, 406-549-1252

Reality Check: Is Georgia GOP Against NDAA Indefinite Detention or Not?

This video shows that absolute knock down drag out battle going on nationwide for the heart and soul of the Republican party. We have a convention coming in June in Montana and I don’t expect it to be any different. I expect the party old guard to try every dirty trick in the book to shut out the Ron Paul supporters and try to block any liberty type resolutions or party platform planks unless the folks that love freedom and liberty in the party are very vigilant and up to speed on the party rules and tactics. I am a voting delegate for all three conventions to be held the weekend of June 14-16 in Missoula, the platform convention, the officers convention and the delegate convention.

There are people who will support freedom willing to go to the national convention to vote for Ron Paul but need some financial support. If you can help please call me at 800 889 2839 very soon, since the applications must be in very soon. Every small amount will help, but there are no limits on what you can donate for this cause. This is our last chance and Ron Paul is winning delegates like crazy now. The old guard party hacks at the national level want you to believe that Ron Paul can’t win. That is the mind poison they are spreading. I am here to tell you that he IS winning as we speak and the national convention is going to be an absolute free for all battle.

Ben Swann Reality Check takes a look how the Georgia GOP nearly passed a resolution rejecting candidates who favor the indefinite detention provision in the NDAA but suddenly changed their minds.
We have resolutions ready for several issues. We need your support in many ways. Even if you can’t vote, you could be there, if for nothing else than to wave a sign in the parking lot. These Republicans need to be given evidence of the huge support for Ron Paul that is really out there, to give them the heart to change the party toward liberty and freedom instead of more status quo party politics.

You can help do that.  Stay tuned for further announcements of our schedule for activities for Ron Paul supporters during the days of the convention, and plan to be there in Missoula  June 14 – 16th if you can.

If the executives and leaders of the Republican state party know what’s good for them and our party, they will listen very carefully to what the Ron Paul supporters have to say, and incorporate the ideas of freedom and liberty as outlined by Ron Paul in everything they do.  As a voting delegate and State Committeeman, I would much rather attend a convention where ideas were discussed with intelligence and consideration, instead of having to fight tooth and nail just to be heard. I suggest to the party leadership to show every courtesy to the Ron Paul supporters and if they happen to be in the majority to accept the decision of the party to support Freedom this one last time. We may never get another chance, considering what Obama is getting ready to do to our country if he gets re-elected.

On more thing. It’s my opinion that Romney can’t beat Obama. Romney can NOT attract the votes of the old Blue Dog Democrats who still believe in the Constitution, and he definitely can’t get the votes of the independents. The Republican candidate can’t win without the votes of these groups. Only Ron Paul can get those votes. When the voters wake up and realize that more status quo is going to kill their government paycheck anyway, it might be too late. But if Ron Paul is in the whitehouse, that day might be put off some years to give us a chance to inform those voters with what they need to turn the tide.


Paul Stramer
Lincoln County State Committeman
Voting delegate from Lincoln County supporting Ron Paul
Member of the State Republican Central Committee

Ron Paul supporters roil Clark County, Nevada, GOP

This from the Washington Post on the Nevada GOP convention and what happened afterwards.

LEGAL NOTICE: The Authors specifically invoke the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press, without prejudice, on this website. The information posted on this website is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America. Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this website may be reproduced unless by written consent. You hereby have written consent to post any individual post from this website containing this copyright to any other blog or email only if you post the whole and unaltered article including this copyright, and give proper credit to the author, and a link back to this blog at This applies only to articles written by Paul Stramer. ©2005-2012 by Montana Business Communications (PDS) All rights remain in force. Removing this notice forfeits all rights to recourse. Copyright strictly enforced © The videos are third party and not covered by this legal notice.

Ron Paul has already won says Washington Times

WEST CHESTER, Pa., May 22, 2012 — The mainstream media continue to discount Ron Paul as a factor in the race for the Republican nomination, even though he and his supporters could become serious contenders when the convention meets in August. Paul continues to rack up delegates in such states as Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri and Colorado.

Strangely, in spite of the success of Paul’s strategy in accumulating delegates, many pundits insist that Paul remains a nonfactor. These same pundits continue to claim that electorally Ron Paul cannot win the Republican nomination, and while the media miss the mark by discounting Paul as a contender, they miss the truly “big story” of the 2012 election. That is, that Ron Paul, mobilizing both young and old with his message of liberty tempered by personal responsibility, and government power tempered by accountability, has already won far more than the election. He has won the trust and the imagination of the people, Rocky Balboa-style.

Romney Fraud at Arizona GOP convention

Romney Fraud at Arizona GOP convention says Doug Wead

“They took a bunch of our winners off and then stuck on a bunch of their losers. At first they had a total of 58 elected, most of them were ours. Then it all turned.” – Shawn Dow, Ron Paul State Coordinator.

According to many sources, Ron Paul supporters won a clean democratic majority of the delegates at the recent Arizona State GOP convention but Mitt Romney had an advantage that in the end the Ronulans could not match. Romney had Nathan Sproul, a political operative who was famously accused of voter registration fraud during the last election cycle.

The conspiracy to stop Ron Paul

The criminals in the media and the criminals in the Republican Party will stop at NOTHING to stop Ron Paul from restoring freedom in our country!

Don’t take my word for it!  Read this article then tell me it’s not true.

By and large the main stream media talking heads have sold their soul and their brain for a paycheck. They couldn’t tell the truth if it slapped them in the face. They are all MENTAL PROSTITUTES if they won’t tell the truth about what is really going on in the Ron Paul Revolution inside the Republican Party.

The reason?   Because they have visions of their stranglehold on the Amreican Power centers disappearing like a vapor in the night, and they can’t stand the thought of having to compete with real news in a free society of open ideas. They know they would lose their power, money and jobs.

And the so called “Republicans” at the top are even worse. They conspire to break laws, and their own rules to stop what they percieve as a threat to the status quo, one that has brought us the bankruptcy of the country by compromise of the original principles Republicans have stood for in the past, and by the one party Republicrat mergers of the present in DC, where principle doesn’t matter and insanity rules.
If insanity is defined as ” Promoting the same solutions over and over and expecting a different result ” we certainly have it in DC.

Neither the media or the so called Republicans can win a discussion with Ron Paul on the real issues that matter in our time, so they resort to dirty tricks, breaking their own rules, and yes criminal activity to maintain their power.  They maintain a sort of tyranny over the real ideas of freedom on their networks and in the party discussion. They won’t admit the truth that a real revolution of ideas is happening in the Republican Party. That, my friends is a form of tyranny.

Webster’s dictionary on line defines tyranny as follows:
1: oppressive power ; especially : oppressive power exerted by government

2a : a government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler; especially : one characteristic of an ancient Greek city-state
  b : the office, authority, and administration of a tyrant
3: a rigorous condition imposed by some outside agency or force

4: an oppressive, harsh, or unjust act : a tyrannical act

So we have tyranny at many levels in Amerika today, and I wonder how far these tyrants will go to keep their power.  We know what Obama will do if elected. We know he will be the worst tyrant in the history of America but how will the tyrannical “Republicrats” be any different if they are willing to violate everything that is sacred and holy right in their own party workings. Hypocrits one and all. They operate on a double standard. This for me and that for you.  I would not want to trade places with them when they meet their maker. I have enough to answer for without selling out my fellow countrymen to the power brokers of the world just for a position and money.
God have mercy on America.
Paul Stramer

LEGAL NOTICE: The Authors specifically invoke the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press, without prejudice, on this website. The information posted on this website is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America. Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this website may be reproduced unless by written consent. You hereby have written consent to post any individual post from this website containing this copyright to any other blog or email only if you post the whole and unaltered article including this copyright, and give proper credit to the author, and a link back to this blog at This applies only to articles written by Paul Stramer. ©2005-2012 by Montana Business Communications (PDS) All rights remain in force. Removing this notice forfeits all rights to recourse. Copyright strictly enforced © The videos are third party and not covered by this legal notice.

Unseen Ben Swann Online Interview about Ron Pauls Delegates

Ben Swann of Reality Check talks about how Ron Paul is changing the political scene for the GOP and how they will be trying to stop him by breaking their own rules.!

From a justin tv Tracy Diaz interview 5-2-12

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If you think Ron Paul isn’t winning look at this!

Republicans Are Finally Getting Nervous About Ron Paul’s Secret Delegate Strategy

Read more:

How Ron Paul is winning the Republican Nomination for President

Ron Paul is winning delegates left and right and the Republican national machine is in a panic.

You will see them pull every dirty trick in the book and some that are not in the book to stop Ron Paul, because if Ron Paul wins the nomination Obama loses the election big time, and the elite Republicrat machine loses it’s power overnight.

Ron Paul is the only candidate that can attract the blue dog democrats that still believe in the US Constitution and now hate Obama for not keeping his promises, and Ron Paul is the only candidate that can attract the independent voters who could never vote for Romney but might hold their nose and vote for Obama again.

Romney just can’t get any votes from those groups, and Ron Paul supporters are smart and savvy about how to get the delegates. Even some of the delegates who people think are bound to Romney are secretly Ron Paul supporters waiting for the chance to make their real convictions known where it counts.


Read these two articles and find out how this can happen and is happening. The delegates from many states are NOT BOUND like the media wants you to believe.

Make no mistake about this. ROMNEY CAN NOT BEAT OBAMA!

If Romney is the nominee, Obama wins a second term and our country goes down the drain.

Even if Ron Paul wins the nomination and in the fall the Presidency, and then does all the right things, like recinding a multitude of “executive orders” that have been written over the last 30 years, and abolishing all the departments he has mentioned in his campaign speeches, it will still take a miracle to keep our financial ship from going over the waterfall.

But if Ron Paul wins the presidency he will have the support to help make that miracle happen by getting on television and doing what he does best. EDUCATING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!

So stop listening to the liars who twist the news and start contacting local Ron Paul supporters to find out what is really going on. Go to Ron Paul’s website and sign up for updates about the reality in this Ron Paul Revolution.

Find a Ron Paul meetup group on the internet for your area and start attending Ron Paul events close to you. But mostly forward the link to this article so others can see that the biggest lie being told about Ron Paul is the idea that he “can’t win”, when in point of fact he is WINNING BIG TIME as we speak.

Ron Paul WINNING Delegates/Massive Rallies

Contrary to what we’ve been told by most of the Mainstream Media Ron Paul is doing quite well at winning actual delegates. But you won’t hear that on Fox or CNN. Neither will they tell you that Ron Paul has been invigorating liberty supporters by the thousands at his massive rallies. Join the Revolution! Spread the word! Now is the time for action if you care about the welfare of your country and its citizens.

Fired up by this video? Do something about it! Sign up at Ron Paul 2012’s phone from home program. It’s easy!

Are you a Democrat or Independent who can’t vote for Paul in your state’s primary because you’re not registered Republican? Consider becoming a Blue Republican for a year:

*This video’s stats include some of Santorum’s delegates in Colorado and Alaska because they were said to be Paul people. This may or not be the case so a corrected video will be posted soon which includes Oklahoma and Massachusetts.

Donate here:

Get the Super Brochure here:

Video produced by Dennis Hamm, May 1, 2012.
Short clips of 2012 Ron Paul rallies by Dennis Hamm and fellow liberty supporters.
Music Credits:
“You Can’t Be Serious” – written and produced by Dennis Hamm
“Say Hello To Your New World Waiting” – written, performed, and produced by Dennis Hamm (with Tim Claiborne vocals)
*email me if you’d like a free download.

Please share and embed the video. Do not re-upload (in its entirety) without permission.

10 Important Issues Only Ron Paul is Addressing

 There is one candidate who’s speaking about crucial issues that no others even dare address: Congressman Ron Paul. Paul is still in a competitive race for the GOP nomination despite every attempt by the media to claim otherwise. He has many more delegates than has been admitted and his crowds of enthusiastic supporters dwarf all of the other GOP candidates combined. In fact, it’s increasingly difficult to believe that Romney has actually won any caucus or primaries based on his pathetic crowds.

Read the entire article here: