Category Archives: Soros

The Soros connection with wolves

What Wolves and George Soros Have In Common

Our forefathers stood up to the British king and fought for our freedom. Our forefathers stood up to tyrants and won their liberty and freedom.
THAT’s what masculinity really means. That’s where the pedal hits the metal and the rubber meets the road. It is the dictators { Soros, Strong, Turner} running our country who are the danger, who are stealing the future from us, and our kids, and our grandkids.
Come on, buddy .{ and those who aspire to lead us } . . stop posing. And start acting like a real man.
“If you’re really a patriot, you will defend the constitution. If you’re a coward, you’ll defend the elite who want to subvert it. Real men stand up to fascism. Cowardly men become boot lickers.”
See you there Toby at the showing of the movie “Behold A Pale Horse” at the Missoula Public Library at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 22. This will be one of many showings accross Montana in the next 6 weeks.

Bob Fanning

The following is from Toby Bridges of Lobo Watch:
Right now, the United Nations driven Agenda 21 is the biggest threat to the American way of life and the liberties we enjoy.

Thanks to super rich radical environmentalists, this country is already living the biggest lie in U.S. history.  Even the glut of wolves, grizzly bears and other predators which are now destroying the past 75 years of wildlife conservation are a part of that lie.
It’s what Americans don’t know about Agenda 21 and its strongest financial backers that threatens the very existence of the United States. If you want to know more about the U.N. push for a global government, be sure to attend the showing of the movie “Behold A Pale Horse” at the Missoula Public Library at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 22.

If you don’t know who George Soros is, or how he’s connected to wolves or Agenda 21, the LOBO WATCH release should serve as a primer to why we have to get things right on November 6th.
Toby Bridges