Category Archives: The Real Terrorists

Operation Gladio and false flag terror campaigns

The real terrorists are in government!

In August 1990, Giulio Andreotti, Italian Prime Minister, confirmed that during the Cold War period had existed in Italy and other Western countries, some of them attached to NATO, a clandestine army under the code name Gladio. His revelations led to a major political scandal, not only admit, but because he had denied in 1974, when he was defense minister.

The result of those investigations conducted in Italy between 1974 and 1990 came to lightfollowinginformation concerning the activities of the sinister Gladio, which sometimes appeared as a right-wing terrorist organization, and sometimes the extreme left, as appropriate their purposes. And what are these purposes? Destabilize certain European governments for the benefit of United States and increased their political influence in them.

As information on the organization Gladio were subsequently published, the story was becoming more ominous. Since the beginning of the Cold War, independent agencies franchised by the secret services of Britain and the United States established a vast network of hired murderers, paramilitary groups, terrorist organizations and weapons caches throughout Western Europe.

Read more:

Anonymous: The real terrorist Are Right Here At Home, Not Overseas

The real terrorist was me. The US Soldier. The Real Terrorist Are Right Here Inside The United States. Your So called Leaders. We Are Doing Our Part, You must Do Yours. Convincing You to kill others will not gain you anything, rather you will suffer more. Go Ahead and Start Your Fight Against This Illegal Aggression and Occupation and Oppression.

Why nothing changes after elections

We have a federal government in these united states now known as “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. aka THE UNITED STATES Inc. It is a corporation formed with the Organic Act of 1871. Corporations exist for profit. Corporations are managed by their President/CEO, the board of directors and the stock holders. Corporations operate to perpetuate corporate profits and to perpetuate the corporation itself. Corporations do not exist to benefit outsiders, customers, nor employees nor do they answer to any of these groups.

Corporations are set up to provide limited liability to the stockholders for the corporate actions or inactions. They exist to benefit the stockholders and shield them from liability which might result due to their action or inaction. The corporation appoints its board of directors, CEO/President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The customers and employees have no say in that selection. It is up to the owners/stockholders.

There is very little in the above that most people do not already know; with the one exception that perhaps you did not know the U.S. government is a corporation. I cannot speak for others, but I know that I do not personally own any stock in this corporation hence I have no real vote nor say in the management thereof. Perhaps you do. I suspect, however, that you do not because I do not know anyone who does; though I confess of the desire to know who the stockholders are.

We have in place a corporation for a government which is “of the corporation, by the corporation, and for the corporation”….as with all such organizations. The corporation has assigned/appointed the supreme court justices to endorse their corporate policies and declare to the public that they are constitutional, and the congress/board of directors has steadily relinquished its powers to the CEO/President to operate as the corporate decision maker with Executive Orders. You do not need to wonder why they are not responsive to the desires of the people.

One has but to consider the basic structure of the system to understand how our country has gone so far off track and why. Anyone who protests, resists, or is opposed to the corporation threatens the perpetuation of the firm and is therefore a threat aka “potential domestic terrorist.” A constitutionalist is such a threat because corporate policy and decisions which benefit the corporation run counter to the adherence to the constitution. Therefore to be a constitutionalist is to be anti-corporation which is to be seen as a threat to the perpetuation of the firm. Former military are thus classified because they took an oath to uphold and defend the constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic.

A domestic corporation seeking to overthrow the constitution and instill in its place corporate policy might well be viewed as a domestic threat.

Attention Wal-Mart Shoppers – you are now under surveillance

Hear Cousin Janet Napolitano tell Wall Mart Shoppers to watch for terrorist shoppers.

Attention Wal-Mart Shoppers if you see any unusual activity report it to the authorities! In this edition of the Reality Report Gary Franchi presents covert photos of a dangerous brand of domestic terrorists who are using Wal-Mart as their base of operation. He also sits down with the publisher of Freedom’s Phoenix, Ernest Hancock outside this year’s Freedom Summit in Phoenix Arizona. Author and radio host Marc Stevens and Free Domain Radio’s Stefan Molyneux drop in to give a preview of their Freedom Summit talks. Nina delivers the news including stories about the Philadelphia Police invasive pat-down procedures, and the “poison pill” that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange now carries. She also delivers the latest info on the escalating Korean conflict. We read what viewers did on “Opt Out Day” in the Mailbag and brand a new “Enemy of the State”

Exposing the Southern Poverty Law Center… Now It’s Personal!

The Montana Human Right Network takes it’s cue from this radical leftist organization. PS

By Debbie Morgan, staff writer,,

Edited by Gary Franchi

“March 18, 2010 – After recovering from the “news” that the new film Camp FEMA is somehow racist, I thought it might behoove me to take another look. Maybe the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) knows something I don’t about “racism.” After exploring their interesting site, it has become even more clear that they are not on the side of We-the-People. In fact, they may have been founded on some very sound principles, but their present-day agenda is profoundly more nefarious.

Indulge me for a minute please…my family has fought racism throughout our generations. My grandfather preached equality for ALL in churches in the South. How easy do you think that was to do? My parents did not allow us to use derogatory words, even going so far as to not allow us to use a person’s skin color to describe them. I am still scarred from a battle I had at a United Methodist church in Louisiana, as a seventeen-year old girl, trying to fight racism and politics. Did the Southern Poverty Law Center bother to ask me any questions? No, they didn’t. Believe me, growing up in the South in the ’60’s and ’70’s, I know a thing or two about racism!

Many news outlets use the Southern Poverty Law Center to comment on racial issues. There are several; CBS, FoxNews, CNN, the New York Times, Newsweek, the Washington Post, the Associated Press, and more. A group that focuses on hate, The SPLC issues quarterly “reports” about hate…groups, actions, people. In its Spring 2010 Intelligence Report, they claim to have identified 512 “Patriot” groups in the US. (What is wrong with a “Patriot” group?) In their defense, the SPLC does say that being categorized as a “patriot group” does not mean these “groups” advocate violence or hate. Why, then, list them at all? Are they trying to put something in the public’s mind about these “groups?”

The SPLC, the MIAC Report and the Federal government have perverted the true definition of patriot. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a “patriot” as someone “who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests.” The SPLC says that these groups “define themselves” as “opposed to the ‘New World Order,’ engage in groundless conspiracy theorizing, or advocate or adhere to extreme antigovernment doctrines.”

Shouldn’t Americans be opposed to a “New World Order”? A “New World Order” would be against our sovereignty as both a free country and free individuals. It has also been presented time and again by US officials, as well as foreign leaders, including Gordon Brown of England, who alluded to, and outright commented on, the New World Order many times. In 1991, Former President Bush, Sr. gave a speech in which we would be “forging for ourselves and others a New World Order,” where, oddly enough, he says the “rule of law” will govern. He further talks about the United Nations. The United States has a great “Rule of Law,” the Constitution, yet our elected officials ignore, circumvent, and issue “Presidential Signing Statements” to avoid that law, and have, since the beginning of our country. This idea is not as far-fetched as the SPLC would have you believe and the SPLC would have you look the other way while they defame the true defenders of the “Rule of Law”.

Engaged in “groundless conspiracy theories” is the SPLC’s opinion and lacks the journalistic integrity to be included in an “intelligence report”. Plus, exactly to which “conspiracy theories” do they refer…or are they referring to ANY questioning of the Federal Government as conspiracy theories? I hate to point it out, but in the United States, we are governed by the consent of the people, so the people are supposed to be in charge, and it is our duty to question what we 1) think does not add up, 2) do not understand, and 3) anything else that threatens our inherent rights granted to us by our Creator.

Of course, one of the “theories” to which they refer has to be the questions surrounding September 11, 2001. There are legitimate questions surrounding that particular event, and if the government wanted to shut up these particular “conspiracies,” all they would have to do is provide answers. In a BBC production from several years ago, Former Florida Senator Bob Graham (who co-chaired the Congressional Inquiry into 9/11) said, “I can just state that within 9/11 there are too many secrets, that is information that has not been made available to the public for which there are specific, tangible, credible answers and that withholding of those secrets has eroded public confidence in their government as it relates to their own security.” Graham was/is right, of course, as the numbers of those who have honest questions about 9/11 are still growing.

Another “groundless conspiracy theory” is that surrounding the afore-mentioned New World Order. At the Spring 2009 G20 Summit, England’s Brown pushed the global community into a New World Order. The discussion of our financial system coming under the regulation of the International Monetary Fund had Dick Morris and Sean Hannity realizing that one of the concerns of the “New World Order conspiracy theorists” was actually happening. In affect, these “theorists” had been “right” all along.

Yet another “conspiracy theory” was “Gulf War Illness.” Since the first Gulf War, veterans have been extremely ill and the government steadily denied “gulf war syndrome,” favoring to diagnosing these extremely ill men and women with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). But the government could no longer deny the existence of “Gulf War Illness,” almost 20 years later, when a federal report published in December 2008 acknowledged that there was, indeed, an actual illness related to the 1990/91 Gulf War. From an article revealing the report: “The 452-page report states that ‘scientific evidence leaves no question that Gulf War illness is a real condition with real causes and serious consequences for affected veterans.'”

Let’s move on to the SPLC’s claim of “antigovernment” extremism. One of the things that those so-called “antigovernment” agendas have in common is their love for country, love for freedom and love for our “Founding Documents,” which includes the Constitution. One must wonder how the SPLC can possibly think these groups are antigovernment when they hold so dearly to the Constitution! What these groups are against is an over-reaching, power-grabbing, intrusive government, a government that will not uphold the “rule of law!” What these groups are looking for is the government as defined in the Constitution of the United States of America. What is so wrong with that? It’s what our Founding Fathers fought and died for! Isn’t that the government that spurred the forging and forming of our country?

It is worth mentioning that maybe the SPLC got its definition of “antigovernment” or better yet, “patriot” from the government itself. In 2001, a pamphlet originating from the Phoenix FBI Office shocked people everywhere. This pamphlet tries to make us think that those who “defend the US Constitution” or those who “make numerous references to the US Constitution” are potentially dangerous. Even so, can’t an organization that is looked to for information make an educated decision about who could be dangerous without relying on an out-of-control government?

This brings me to what happened last summer. While the SPLC was investigating organizations like the Oath Keepers, the Liberty Restoration Project and We are Change, or people like Alex Jones, Gary Franchi and others, why wasn’t the SPLC “investigating” the FBI? Did they forget about radio host Hal Turner? Turner was a white supremacist that happened to be an asset to the federal government. When is the SPLC planning to investigate Federal government? If there is one “Hal Turner,” there must be others. Who are they? How many more “Hal Turners” are inciting hate and violence at the Government’s direction? Does the SPLC know the answer? Are they “investigating” that?

Recent comments made by Dr Heidi Beirich lead me to now ask, is the SPLC going to investigate one of their own? Dr. Beirich took the “opportunity” to call Gary Franchi “insane” and Alex Jones a “lunatic” and accuse Jones of “inspiring” the murder of three police officers in Pittsburgh last year. In response, Franchi says, “It is irrational to assume that because you are unhappy with the government you encourage people to become violent towards individual government employees.” When did questioning the government make you racist or a promoter of hate, and, now, someone who inspires murder? AND, what did Turner inspire, BACKED BY the government?

What is SPLC’s real agenda? They obviously do not promote freedom of speech unless you agree with their rhetoric. Maybe I will borrow words from readers of SPLC’s Spring article slamming Camp FEMA and Colorado’s KBDI: “How does wanting a new 9/11 investigation equate to hate speech?” or “What does Camp FEMA have to do with hate? It actually exposes hate” or “Those who feel this is hatred must also feel our founding fathers were bigots” or better yet, if you “don’t like programs that edge towards the truth keep listening to your elected officials and the mainstream media!” (Remembering that the approval rating for both is EXTREMELY low!) People should demand that the Southern Poverty Law Center come clean with their new agenda of pushing hate, because it is clear the SPLC has strayed far from the sound principles of their founding.”
Full Story Here:

Original SPLC story here:

I am proud to say that Lincoln County Watch made this list. When you are telling the truth it’s powerful, and when you are really getting something done you will incure the wrath of the radical left. Thanks SPLC for spreading our name around the country. As PT Barnum said “Any publicity is good publicity”
Don’t stop now.  Truth always goes through three stages.
1. It’s denied and disbelieved.
2. It’s violently opposed
3. It’s finally accepted for what it is.

Thanks again SPLC. We are in good company with the other organizations you listed, such as “Celebrating Conservatism, The John Birch Society, The Constitution Party, Militia of Montana, Oath Keepers, We Are Change, and We the People,  and that is just in Montana.
It must be frustrating for you to see all the people rising up and throwing off your propaganda. As more and more truth comes out you will lose your influence just like the newspapers that are going broke across American because they won’t tell the truth.

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The Big Problem Nobody Seems to Have a Solution For!

By Michael LeMieux

January 4, 2010

Things are going well when a man enters the store wearing a black suit coat and a fedora. He walks straight up to the counter not looking at any of the merchandise and he locks his eyes with yours. “Who is the owner here?” he asks. You reply that you are. He then proceeds to tell you that for the privilege of operating this business and for the protection he provides he demands that you pay him thirty percent of all the profit from your business. He further tells you that if you refuse then some very bad things just might happen and you could lose it all.

We have seen this scenario played out many times in old movies of the gangster lore. The mobster would demand protection payments even when the protection you are paying for was from that very same gang. And if you did not pay you would end up losing everything.

Now I am going to ask what some would deem a ridiculous question; what is the difference between the government and organized crime?

Read the whole Article on the Problem here:

The Solutions!

Now Read the Solutions here:

LEGAL NOTICE: The Authors specifically invoke the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press, without prejudice, on this website. The information posted on this website is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America. Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this website may be reproduced unless by written consent. You hereby have written consent to post any individual post from this website containing this copyright to any other blog or email only if you post the whole and unaltered article including this copyright, and give proper credit to the author, and a link back to this blog at This applies only to articles written by Paul Stramer. ©2005-2009 by Montana Business Communications (PDS) All rights remain in force. Removing this notice forfeits all rights to recourse. Copyright strictly enforced © The videos are third party and not covered by this legal notice.