Category Archives: law enforcement

Land and Sea — Peacekeepers and Law Enforcement, Continental Marshals and US Marshals…. ???

By Anna Von Reitz
Almost every country on Earth has land jurisdiction and sea jurisdiction related to it. The exceptions are a very few landlocked countries, and even they have agreements to use the ports of other countries and conduct business “at sea”.
Land and Sea….two different jurisdictions. One that is unincorporated (land) and one that is incorporated (sea).
Peacekeeping Officers — Sheriffs and Deputies of the unincorporated land and soil jurisdiction Counties operate in international and sovereign capacity, like their forefathers in the Old West. They enforce the Public Law within the borders of their Counties, including the guarantees of the Constitutions owed to the states and the people. They are the highest ranking Law Officers in the County by far. Like all land jurisdiction judges (properly called Justices of the Peace) they take a Public Oath of Office which does not include any reference to God. This is because under Constitutional Government, the separation of Church and State is observed in America. These men and women work directly for the people of this country and exercise the American Common Law in their behalf. They are elected by people who have reclaimed their birthright political status. The elections are conducted via paper balloting and advertised for at least 30 days prior to Election Day. Most actual Sheriffs serve a term of at least two years and many serve for four years. Land jurisdiction Sheriffs have the ability to deputize as many “deputies” as they need to accomplish the functions of their office.
Law Enforcement Officers — Territorial and Municipal “Sheriffs” and “Deputies” work for incorporated Counties/COUNTIES occupying the civil maritime and admiralty jurisdictions of the sea, and are only supposed to deal with administration of Territorial and Municipal Government Corporations and their internal affairs and their citizens–that is, their own corporate officials, employees, and dependents. They enforce their private corporate “Public Policies” expressed as statutory laws, codes, and regulations. They take a private oath of office which often appears to be a Public Oath; these oaths typically include a reference to God, usually as “so help me God”. This is because the corporations they work for are typically religious non-profit organizations. They are elected in restricted private corporate elections that only “registered Voters” can participate in. These people belong to political parties and are commonly elected using automated voting machines. Deputies are just additional hired staff and are not “deputized” as such. Because they don’t hold actual Public Offices, they are not tasked with enforcing the Public Law or the Constitutional guarantees. There was in fact a controversy as to whether or not these individuals could enforce the Public Laws— a question that was finally answered by Mack and Prinz v. USA, Inc.
The answer handed down by the [Territorial] United States Supreme Court was that yes, they could choose to honor and enforce the Public Law, including the Constitution, of their own volition, but were not obligated to.
This leads to the common phenomenon we observe across the country where these “corporate Sheriffs” sometimes enforce the Public Law and often do not. When the welfare of the corporation they work for is opposed to the Public Law, they conveniently choose not to enforce the Public Law.
The important thing for them and for you to know is that these men and women are functioning in a private capacity as hired security personnel akin to any other private corporate security guards. They have no general public authority, and the illusion that they do is caused by the Great Fraud, which has falsified the public records of millions of Americans and identified them as “citizens” subject to serve these foreign Territorial and Municipal corporations.
Once you correct the public record and return to your birthright political status, these Sheriffs-For-Hire have a very limited scope of authority and should normally never address you or presume upon you at all.
The situation is somewhat similar between the Continental Marshals Service and the US Marshals Service. The Continental Marshals occupy the international land jurisdiction owed this country and its people and the US Marshals occupy the international civil maritime and admiralty (territorial and municipal) jurisdictions. The Continental Marshals are here to protect the actual states and people. The US Marshals are here to protect the territorial and municipal corporations and the employees and dependents of those corporations.
As part of our effort to restore the lawful government owed to this country, The United States of America (Unincorporated) has replaced the vacated Federal Marshals Service with the Continental Marshals Service. We have sought to make their jurisdiction and role less ambiguous for everyone concerned: continental = international land jurisdiction. “US” = international sea jurisdiction.
Nearly every day, I get calls and emails from people who are complaining about “bad sheriffs” — sheriffs who are thugs, sheriffs who ignore the Constitution and its guarantees, sheriffs who have no regard for private property rights, sheriffs who are, frankly, not operating like sheriffs are supposed to operate.
In every case, these are not actually the kind of “sheriff” that people are assuming they are. These are “Sea Sheriffs” — basically private corporate security personnel working for the foreign Territorial and Municipal Government Corporations whose only business on our shores is supposed to be to provide our states with limited and strictly enumerated “essential government services”.
Since they are calling themselves “Sheriffs” too, how can you tell the difference between a land sheriff and a sea sheriff? A peacekeeper versus a law enforcement officer?
It’s easy. Do they work for an incorporated entity or not? Do they enforce the Public Law or the statutory law?
If they work for a “County” that has an EIN and a CAGE number and all the other trappings of a commercial corporation franchise, you may be sure that he or she is a Territorial or Municipal ” Sea Sheriff” — not the kind of Sheriff you need and expect and thought you were paying for.
To get the service that you need requires you to correct your own political status records and assemble your local unincorporated County and elect your own land jurisdiction County Sheriff. The actual Public Office has been vacant for many years thanks to the usurpation and deceit of these foreign “governmental services corporations”. Once he’s elected, he is in charge and can kick all the butt you need kicked to get these foreign corporations back in line and the Public Law enforced. And he can deputize as many Americans as necessary to make sure that it is.
See this article and over 900 others on Anna’s website here:
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Here You Go…. Hot Off the Presses from Judge Anna

Here is a real gem to share with all the out of control corporate mercenaries pretending to be peace officers…they have no public office, therefore, no public authority any different from any authority any of us have, no public bonds, and in most cases, no liability insurance. 

They just ASSUME that they have been elected to public office when they haven’t, and they ASSUME that their employer has bonded them and paid their liability insurance, but in all cases I have looked at, they haven’t.

Money has gone out of the public treasury for liability insurance, usually tagged as “risk management”— but no bonds or insurance policies have been paid for employees.

Same thing with federal and federal “State” judges— such judges are required to have five credentials on record— license, certified oath, surety bond, liability bond, renouncement of kol nidre/Masonic Oath—and none of them do.
The import of the Bond case in my view is that it is the corporation covering its own butt by admitting that their corporate “law” can’t be applied to people, only “persons”. The Motu Proprio issued by Pope Francis July 11, 2013 makes the point even more specific and jabs it deeper—- making the judges, clerks, and others 100% individually and commercially liable—- subject to liens in commerce, including agricultural liens.
Bond vs. UNITED STATES, 529 US 334 – 2000, The Supreme Court held that the American People are in fact Sovereign and not the States or the Government. The court went on to define that local, state and federal law enforcement officers were committing unlawful actions against the Sovereign People by the enforcement of the laws and are personally liable for their actions.
Another good point is that the “Stolen Valor Act” makes it illegal in the federal system for local police to dress up or act like or pretend in any manner to be part of a military force. So when you get these yahoos running around in Swat Gear and Cammo and waving assault rifles in your face and refusing to deliver properly signed warrants and refusing to properly identify themselves, and claiming to be “law enforcement” personnel, they and their political bosses should be warned that it is a violation of Federal United States law to do this and that any Continental United States inhabitants are well-within their rights to drop these turkeys if they trespass on private land or assault us verbally or physically.
Put it right up front to the “County Commissioners” — who have as much authority on the land as the officers of the local Golf Club and the “Mayors” of the various municipal “organizations” who have as much authority as the Rotary—- tell them where the bear went in the buckwheat in writing, plainly stated BEFORE anything happens, in behalf of your county on the land and the living civilian inhabitants thereof, so that they have no plausible deniability.
There is nothing more endearing than a politician stumbling around over both his tie and his rump when the poo hits the fan, unless it is the same politician faced with the fact that he had cause to know better before he and his thugs ever interfered with your jurisdiction on the land of the Continental United States.
Makes the cockles of your heart warm right up to see them in full retreat, headed down main street and straight out to sea….

An open letter to all law enforcement personnel!

Originally published on Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This article is one of the first on this blog dealing with the oath of office and how police and other law enforcement are being fed a pack of lies about true patriots. That is far more important now than it was in 2009, so we present this article again. The link to the bozeman article no longer works. Evidently there was too much truth being said by Stewart and Elias and they took it down.
Here is a similar interview the Bozeman paper did on Elias and Stewart.

Radical Leftist Polarization of Law Enforcement Personnel !

Subject: Bozeman paper interview w Steward Rhodes & Elias Alias
Here’s a teaser from the full article found in the link below:
“We think there is cause for concern,” said Travis McAdam, executive director of the Montana Human Rights Network.
And the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks “extremist” activity throughout the country, in a report this month points to the Oath Keepers as a “particularly worrisome example of the Patriot Revival.” The SPLC further reports that it’s likely only a matter of time before some segment of the Patriot Revival becomes violent.
The Department of Homeland Security considers groups that reject federal authority in favor of local authority “rightwing extremists,” according to an April 7 “threat analysis” released by the agency.
And that doesn’t sit well with Alias.
Radical Leftist Polarization of Law Enforcement Personnel !
From the desk of Paul Stramer — Wednesday September 2nd, 2009
The radical leftist Montana Human Rights Network, along with the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Lee Newspapers chain, and some federal agencies, are involved in a borderline criminal conspiracy attempting to demonize, scandalize, slander and paint all law abiding and freedom loving Americans as criminal, or potential terrorists. They speak the same leftist, communist language as every communist agitator in history. They abuse their power of communication and free speech to promote lawless hate against law abiding, and freedom loving people nationwide and worldwide.
The reality is that they themselves are the real terrorists. They endorse the radical leftist agenda and threats of taking guns away from law abiding citizens, making everyone dependent upon a socialist or communist police state for their very lives, taking away private ownership of property, destroying freedom of speech and of the press with their so called “hate crimes” legislation, and destroying the most successful document of government ever devised by man and inspired by God, the Constitution for the United States of America, the SUPREME LAW OF THESE UNITED STATES.
These organizations, in effect, don’t believe in the Rule of Law. They believe in the rule of men making the rules as they go, and their leader seems to be the person who claims to be the President, while hiding all evidence of his eligibility, and organizing “communities” of lawless street agitators like ACORN and SEIU and other highly paid subversives intent on destroying the rule of law and replacing it with total government control of every facet of your lives.
These organizations are feeding the Federal fusion centers, and all federal, local and state agencies with FALSE INFORMATION designed to create paranoia in the ranks of “Law Enforcement” and polarize them against anyone who talks against the radical left agenda. This is the classic communist strategy of radicalization used to stir up hate and discontent among the public, and goad private freedom loving residents into some kind of physical conflagration.
Communists have used this method in every country they have subjugated throughout their history. They will and have gone so far as to plant agent provocateurs inside various freedom groups who will goad members into some illegal activity, so the radicals have the opportunity to further radicalize and demonize those organizations. Ask Randy Weaver about that? Was Timothy McVeigh one of these agents, and was he a patsy just like he said he was? Why were they in such a hurry to kill him if not to shut him up because he knew too much about who really engineered that attack?
Sorry boys, we are smarter than that.
You are wasting your breath, because the people don’t believe your tired old lies and buzzwords any more. They don’t believe that the word Militia is a bad word even though every time you use it you attempt to associate the word with some lawless warlord in Somalia or some other country. We know that the lawful militia is a concept embodied in the early history of our nation and is greatly responsible for our freedom early on in our history. We know that the militia itself is embodied and defined in the laws of our country and that the concept is perfectly lawful. If you don’t believe it, don’t take my word for it.
Go to the internet and read for yourselves.
We the People don’t believe that your tired old buzzword “Freeman” means “criminal” like you want it to mean, since a true Free Man is a We the People resident and Created being who did “ordain and establish” the Supreme Law, the Constitution for the United States as a law for GOVERNMENT to follow, in order to SECURE the unalienable God given rights bestowed on Man by God in man’s very nature.
We don’t believe your tired old buzzwords “Right Wing Radical” since a true right wing radical would be an anarchist who believes in no law or government at all, which is the real opposite of your Radical Leftist agenda of TOTAL GOVERNMENT made perfect in communism, the rule by the bullet or threat and intimidation thereof. We know that the only difference between your leader’s socialist agenda and communism is that socialism is totalitarianism by the ballot, while communism is totalitarianism by the bullet.
We also know that you preach freedom only to use it as a cloak for malice. All we have to do is go to your websites to see your endorsement of immorality at all levels.
Travis McAdam continues to mouth the same language as communist/leftist agitators whether he knows it or not, and so does Morris Dees of the SPLC, insofar as from their own words they seem to parallel the Marxist agenda that has been used throughout the history of communism. Just go read what they write and endorse, and then read the communist manifesto at the link below and decide for yourself.
It’s really mind-blowing that the local cops and sheriff’s deputies are sucking this propaganda up like candy. They don’t bother to even talk to people who love the Constitution and freedom to get their views. They just seem to believe all this leftist propaganda without question, and they won’t study any history, or law, or any other view. Remember, law enforcement personnel, that those who refuse to learn from history are condemned to repeat it. Are you doing your own thinking or are you letting your boss or some federal agent do your thinking for you?
As a result of this propaganda, law enforcement generally now refuses to believe there are actually people out here that believe in the Rule of Law, and are willing to put their lives on the line to protect the Supreme Law so everyone can continue in Freedom and Liberty.
True radical leftists are liars leading liars and they will all fall in the pit of human suffering just like millions in history who have believed Satan’s lies and followed the big government deception of free bread and circuses. Those socialist and communist systems of government never work and while they are in control, millions of people suffer and die. Is that what they want? Are they deliberately trying to reduce the population without destroying the infrastructure? Is it Total Government they are after and they think they will be in the ruling class in this totalitarian structure?
Beware that this is an old song. It’s been sung throughout history. It’s the song of God’s enemies, and God always comes out on top.
Here is a history lesson for all the local cops, sheriff’s deputies, elected officials, and any other office holder whether appointed or elected that is helping this radical leftist agenda. You have nothing to fear from us freedom-loving people as long as you obey the law and take your oath of office seriously, and with an informed mind.
But when radical leftist (read communist) organizations are done using you to subjugate the American populace, you will be the first people they will eliminate, because they know they can’t trust someone who is willing to sell out their fellow countrymen.
That is the history of communist agitators throughout the history of the leftist communist conquest of countries in the last century.
They eliminate, usually with a bullet in the head, everyone who helped them get to power. They purge their ranks of local officials, and bureaucrats that helped them create their police state. Then they go on to kill everyone they think might have a potential of creating any dissent at all. Don’t take my word for it. Google “communist purges” and do your own homework.
I am sorry you are so ignorant of history, the law and your responsibility. The classic definition of ignorance is “Not knowing what is required by one’s station in life.” You took an oath to uphold, defend and obey the Supreme Law, the Constitution for the United States of America, the only document of it’s kind in history that has secured our God given rights for well over 200 years, and the document that the whole world admires and wants to imitate. Our shores are constantly bombarded by people fleeing other forms of government because they fall far short of ours.
You have broken your solemn oath to uphold the law if you endorse the rule of men that these radical leftists promote. When you trample on the rights of private residents of the county or state you live in, you can be worse than any terrorist.
When you threaten law abiding residents with the loss of their freedom for holding to the Supreme Law, The Constitution, you are worse than any terrorist because you are the very persons who are sworn to uphold our rights and protect us from the lawless and radical leftist agenda especially if they are in a majority. We do not have a Democracy (mob rule) in America. We have a Constitutional Republic designed to protect the minority from the will of a lawless majority.

We don’t ask for much from you. We only ask you to actually read the documents you swore that oath to uphold, defend and obey, and then to OBEY THE LAW, and refuse to threaten and intimidate private law abiding residents who are only insisting on being heard.
We want you to stop falling for the lies of the radical leftist conspiracy. We want you to study the founding documents you swore to defend from all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. Then we want you to do your real duty, which is to secure the rights given by God, the author of nature itself, the rights those documents embody and protect!
Until you do this you can’t be trusted by We The People to uphold your office. You can’t be worthy of your paycheck.
Ask yourself this question? Who is running your department? Is it the fusion centers or some federal agent? Are you taking their word for what is going on, rather than doing your own homework and talking to local residents about these issues? When was the last time you read the Constitutions of the USA and Montana? Do you understand what they mean? Are you doing your own thinking, or are you letting your boss hold your paycheck over your head, while you just follow along blindly?
Are you swallowing what Travis McAdam, SPLC, and the fusion centers are saying without checking it out. Well you should get the information about Oath-Keepers right from their own website before you do something you will regret.
Don’t take the word of the people who brought you Waco and Ruby Ridge, namely federal agencies. Question boldly, embrace the truth then do your job right and with integrity. Keep your Oath. If you can’t take that heat, then get out of the kitchen, and make room for someone who will keep their oath. Perhaps someone like former Sheriff Richard Mack.
See his answer here to the latest diatribe from SPLC.
If this letter makes you angry, then you must be doing something wrong. If you are uneasy about it just call me and ask lots of questions. I can direct you to much good study written by dozens of authors that prove what I am saying about the law.
Here is a place to start.
Paul Stramer
Eureka Montana
406 889 3183
Skype: pstramer
Now former Republican Precinct Committeeman Precinct 3, and State Committeeman, Lincoln County Montana
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When law enforcement breaks the law is your county really safe?

Ex-sergeant charged in ammo case

by JOHN CRAMER – Ravalli Republic
A former Ravalli County sheriff’s sergeant was charged Friday with stealing more than 40,000 rounds of ammunition from the department.

Jeff Fowler, who was fired in July following an internal investigation that linked him to the crime, is slated to appear Oct. 1 in Ravalli County District Court on one count of felony theft.

Read the article here: