Category Archives: sheriff Mack

Sheriff Mack — Unanswered Letters 15 — for Ron

by Anna Von Reitz

Sheriff Mack took the question of whether or not Sheriffs of incorporated counties (operating on the international jurisdiction of the sea) could legally enforce The Constitution (as part of their job) all the way to the Supreme Court and the answer was yes, they could. But, that in no way makes it a mandate.  It merely means that individuals like Sheriff Mack himself could freely decide whether or not to enforce The Constitution (and presumably other Organic Laws) in their counties. 

For truly “Constitutional” Sheriffs enforcing the Constitution and the other Organic and Public Laws is the entire focus of their job assignment, not an afterthought or personal choice after a long day of code and regulation enforcement. 

And therein lies the rub.  Sheriff Mack apparently wants the office of sheriff to have the right to pick and choose when to act as a peacekeeper and respect the guarantees of The Constitution, and when to act as a Code Enforcer and use the oppressive plenary power that system gives to the STATE and the OFFICE OF SHERIFF based on the expediency of the moment and the Sheriff’s own assessment of what is called for. 

I side with the Bible— no man can serve two masters, and Sheriff Mack’s fence-sitting just clouds the issues. 

I understand the practical reasons that he and other sheriffs want to retain plenary powers over “citizens” and just pick and choose when to recognize the constitutionally guaranteed rights owed to the American people—- but the fact remains that such a commingling of jurisdictions and such a grant of power based on one’s own conscience alone is nowhere to be found in any part of The Constitution or other Founding Documents.  It isn’t even implied. 

The Law of the Land is the Public Law of this country.  When corporate employees step foot on our soil, they are obligated to obey it.  They aren’t empowered to pick and choose when to enforce it and when to ignore it.  They aren’t authorized to “presume” anything about us, including our political status. And therein lies the additional rub. 

The federal corporations and their “federal state” franchises have contrived to establish legalized monopolies of essential governmental services that they are supposed to be providing for us under contract— and via self-interested and often brainless enforcement activities have extorted compliance with their regulations under conditions of monopoly inducement regardless of anyone’s actual political status.   

As a result, for example, nearly everyone has been coerced into obtaining a “Driver’s License” when in fact most people aren’t using the public roads for any private gain and are not actually required to have a DL at all. Then the mere fact that you have a DL is used as the basis of further “presuming” that you are voluntarily accepting the status of a “citizen of the United States”—-thereby allowing corporate sheriffs and other “law enforcement personnel” the latitude to arrest, fine, threaten, brutalize, and jail you over statutory infractions like broken tail lights. 

Men like Sheriff Mack need to bite the bullet and give up the false powers of legal presumption. They need to admit that it is not their choice of when to obey our Public Law and when to enforce private corporate statutes instead. 
See this article and over 200 others on Anna’s website
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. 

Ode to Sheriff Mack — How To Get Enforcement of the Actual Law of the Land?

by Anna Von Reitz

People all over this country are complaining about “lack of enforcement” of the basic Organic and Public Laws.  I hate to break it to you, but you all have to take action in your own behalf to provide enforcement.  You are “self-governing”— remember?   

The rats— for profit governmental services corporations run by banks– have usurped upon your lawful jurisdiction and set up incorporated “Counties” and incorporated “States”.  As soon as you incorporate anything, it is removed from the jurisdiction of the land and taken out from under the Law of the Land (including the Constitution) and moved to the international jurisdiction of the sea and the Law of the Sea. 

As a result, you no longer have Sheriffs operating under the Law of the Land and you no longer have enforcement of the Organic and Public Laws.  What you have are men in “similarly named” private corporate offices—Mall Cops and commercial mercenaries– who are charged with enforcement of “codes, regulations, and statutes” that apply only to the franchises and employees and officers of their respective (and often different) corporations.  

Throughout much of America, nobody is being paid to mind the store or provide enforcement of the Organic and Public Laws anymore.  So, now does it make sense why you have no access to the guarantees of The Constitution and no enforcement for the indictments of Common Law Grand Juries?  

To get action and enforcement you have to have a Common Law Sheriff operating the land jurisdiction of your county, and you also need an entire Common Law Court backing him up.  

There are basically three possibilities— 

1. Cause enough ruckus so your county votes to dissolve the “County” corporation and operate in its correct jurisdiction—- this is unlikely because they will want to cling to the “federal funding” — i.e., kick-backs from the fraud. 

2. Convince the “Sheriff” of Your County as in “Sheriff of Jackson County” to also accept the duty of Jackson County Sheriff (the Sheriff on the Land position) and also enforce the Organic and Public Laws —- wear both the “incorporated” and the “unincorporated” hats.  That has been done and it has been proven to be correct by the Mack/Printz v. USA case in the US Supreme Court.  It used to be taken for granted that the Sheriff occupied both the private corporate “law enforcement” office and the Public Office, but nowadays they are too bedraggled and dumbed-down to know the difference, and since the incorporated “Counties” want a free wheel to plunder and do what they like, far too many “Sheriffs” have gone along and taken orders and failed to serve the Public Office or enforce the Organic and Public Law. 

Sheriff Richard Mack and Joe Arpaio are examples of men who have honorably worn both hats. 

3.  Do an end-run around the incorporated County.  Just write them off as foreign “code enforcers” who are there to police foreign corporations and Federal United States Citizens and make sure that is all they do, too.  Meantime, marshal up the living people of your county via a Public Notice of a Public Meeting to form an unincorporated body politic—- a free association of landowners—- sign and witness your Declaration of Political Status reclaiming your birthright estate and political status established on the land jurisdiction of your native state— and begin educating people. Explain that our hired help— the “federal corporation” and its employees— defrauded us back in 1933 and that a second such corporation is now attempting to do the same thing.  Explain that as a result of this chicanery their political status as been changed to that of a British Crown Subject and that the Public Offices their county is owed have all been converted to private corporate offices instead—- leaving the Public Offices vacated since 1976.  As a result we have no real Sheriff operating the land jurisdiction of the County and enforcing the Organic and Public Laws— The Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Incorporation, The Constitution for the united States of America, The Northwest Ordinance, and United States Statutes-at-Large.  They have to elect from among themselves a whole different slate of candidates to fill the actual Public Offices.  Once those people are elected, bonded, and sworn in, your Sheriff will have a complete American Common Law Court to back him up and he will have the sweeping enforcement powers he is owed as the top peacekeeping officer of the land.  He will be able to deputize as many men as he needs to enforce the Organic and Public Law— just like John Wayne in the old movies.  

See this article and over 100 others on Anna’s website

The Importance of County Sheriffs

by Anna von Reitz

Like everything else, the office of the county sheriff has been under assault by the rats. All “counties” like all “states” are now operating as commercial corporations. This is indicated by the use of the word “of” in all states that have adopted the Uniform Commercial Code—- thus you have the “State of Utah” and the “County of Maricopa”. Anytime you see the word “of” you know you are dealing with a commercial corporation no different in nature than Sears or Burger King, Inc. These are all “states of states” under the UCC and though they claim to “represent” your government and provide governmental services, you have to always be aware and keep in mind that these corporations are NOT your lawful government. They are just corporations fulfilling “government functions” under contract.
In the same way you and your county sheriff have to be aware that his actual elected office is owed to the land jurisdiction of the Continental United States and to the people who live in his county on the land, NOT to some corporation making a buck providing “public services” and operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea— which is foreign to us.
The actual Constitution and the rights it guarantees are owed to the land jurisdiction of the Continental United States. The Constitution is not being respected by the Federal United States and its “agencies” operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea because these agencies are subcontractors—- privately owned corporations in the business of providing public services, not your true government providing public services.
The upshot of it is that the men employed as “County Sheriffs” are receiving their paychecks funded off your estates and tax dollars from middlemen who are employees of privately owned corporations acting as subcontractors providing “government services”. Those middlemen, including the politicians, don’t think that they actually work for you. They think that they work for the corporation doing business as the “State of Ohio” or the “County of Jackson”.
This creates a gross conflict of interest. Time to straighten this all out.
The place where the pedal hits the metal is the office of the county sheriff.
There are 3100 counties in America. Below are listed the 242 sheriffs who know their actual jobs as sheriffs operating the land jurisdiction of the Continental United States and who honoring the Law of the Land, the actual Constitution.
All the rest of the county sheriffs in America and that is: 3100 – 242 = 2858, have to be educated. They don’t even know who they work for and what their job is and where their authority lies.
It would cost me about $5000 to provide each one of these 242 men with a free copy of our affidavit of probable cause — “You Know Something Is Wrong When….An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” — which explains the history and documents the facts of how we got into this mess.
It’s information these men desperately need, but I am just one old woman and I don’t have the money to print 242 copies of the affidavit for free and the postage and the packaging and the time needed to get book to them and those 2858 other sheriffs who are bumbling around not knowing what their job is or what their obligations to the people are.
Thankfully, there are 390 million other Americans with just as much or more at risk than me—- and there are very few of them who can’t afford $20 to enlighten their own county sheriff. Give these brave men the “ammo” they need to stand up and competently defend their authority and their jurisdiction on the land, and God willing, they will act to defend you and your rights.
As for the rest of them, the 2, 858 “county sheriffs” who think they work for the corporation and not for the people, who are functioning as corporate “law enforcement officers” — that is, commercial mercenaries— instead of peacekeepers acting to enforce the actual Public Law—- they need the information even more desperately and the people living in all those 2,858 counties have a clear, urgent need to make sure their “sheriffs” do understand who they work for and what their job actually is.
Stop a moment— if you read this list and see your County Sheriff is taking a stand to uphold the actual Constitution in your behalf, support him! Get behind him! Help him any way you can! Give him a copy of “You Know Something Is Wrong When….An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” so that he has the specific information he needs to defend what he is doing against the corporate bosses who are misdirecting and misinforming your employees.
If you don’t see your county sheriff listed here, the need to get him up to speed and doing his constitutionally mandated job and exercising the jurisdiction of your county on the land is even MORE urgent.
1 Blake Dorning Madison Alabama
2 Ana Franklin Morgan Alabama
3 Andy Hughes Houston Alabama
4 Jay Jones Lee Alabama
5 Huey Hoss Mack Baldwin Alabama
6 Scott Mascher Yavapai Arizona
7 Joe Arpaio Maricopa Arizona
8 Tom Sheahan Mohave Arizona
9 Paul Babeu Pinal Arizona
10 Mark J. Dannels Cochise Arizona
11 Mike Moore Boone Arkansas
12 Adam Christianson Stanislaus California
13 Jon Lopey Siskiyou California
14 Tom Bosenko Shasta California
15 John D’Agostini El Dorado California
16 David Hencraft Tehama California
17 Dean Growden Lassen California
18 Dean Wilson Del Norte California
19 Mike Poindexter Modoc California
20 Thomas Allman Mendocino California
21 Mike Downey Humboldt California
22 Margaret Mims Fresno California
23 Greg Hagwood Plumas California
24 Bruce Haney Trinity California
25 Martin Ryan Amador California
26 Jerry Smith Butte California
27 Donny Youngblood Kern California
28 James W. Mele Toulumne California
29 Justin Smith Larimer Colorado
30 Terry Maketa El Paso Colorado
31 John Cooke Weld Colorado
32 Stan Hilkey Mesa Colorado
33 Lou Vallario Garfield Colorado
34 Rick Dunlap Montrose Colorado
35 Jeff Christopher Sussex Delaware
36 Bill Snyder Martin Florida
37 Frank McKeithen Bay Florida
38 Mike Scott Lee Florida
39 Rick Beseler Clay Florida
40 Michael Adkinson Walton Florida
41 Grady Judd Polk Florida
42 Stacy Nicholson Gilmer Georgia
43 Scott Berry Oconee Georgia
44 Roger Garrison Cherokee Georgia
45 Neil Warren Cobb Georgia
46 Butch Conway Gwinnett Georgia
47 Gary Gulledge Paulding Georgia
48 Joe Chapman Walton Georgia
49 Roy Klingler Madison Idaho
50 Kieran Donahue Canyon Idaho
51 Daryl Wheeler Bonner Idaho
52 Chris Goetz Clearwater Idaho
53 Doug Giddings Idaho Idaho
54 Doug McFall Jerome Idaho
55 Brian Brokop Lewis Idaho
56 Joe Rodriguez Nez Perce Idaho
57 Tom Carter Twin Falls Idaho
58 Dave Resser Benewah Idaho
59 Edward Motley Edgar Illinois
60 Mike Emery McLean Illinois
61 Jerry Parsley Clark Illinois
62 Brad Rogers Elkhart Indiana
63 Ken Murphy Franklin Indiana
64 Warren M. Wethington Cedar Iowa
65 Frank Denning Johnson Kansas
66 Denny Peyman Jackson Kentucky
67 Michael A. Helmig Boone Kentucky
68 John Snedegar Bath Kentucky
69 Scott F. Harrison Powell Kentucky
70 Chuck Korzenborn Kenton Kentucky
71 Charles A. Jenkins Frederick Maryland
72 Ken Tregoning Carroll Maryland
73 Dar Leaf Barry Michigan
74 Ted Schende Benzie Michigan
75 Larry Stelma Kent Michigan
76 Robin Cole Pine Minnesota
77 Bill Rasco DeSoto Mississippi
78 Billy McGee Forrest Mississippi
79 Cecil Cantrell Monroe Mississippi
80 Brad A. DeLay Lawrence Missouri
81 Charles Heiss Johnson Missouri
82 Steve Cox Livingston Missouri
83 Mick Epperly Barry Missouri
84 Stephen Stockman Mercer Missouri
85 George R. Underwood Oregon Missouri
86 Michael Dixon Osage Missouri
87 Randee Kaiser Jasper Missouri
88 Steven R. Blunkall Shannon Missouri
89 Tom Rummel Sanders Montana
90 Jay Doyle Lake Montana
91 Scott F. Howard Powell Montana
92 Chris Hoffman Ravalli Montana
93 Darby Harrington Wibaux Montana
94 Mike Linder Yellowstone Montana
95 Ed Kilgpore Humboldt Nevada
96 Benjamin D. Trotter Churchill Nevada
97 Tony DeMeo Nye Nevada
98 Douglas R Dutile Grafton New Hampshire
99 Dan Houston Bernalillo New Mexico
100 Shawn Menges Catron New Mexico
101 Patrick R Jennings Chaves New Mexico
102 Johnny Valdez Cibola New Mexico
103 Jim Maldonado Colfax New Mexico
104 Dennis A. Cleaver De Baca New Mexico
105 Todd Garrison Dona Ana New Mexico
106 Scott London Eddy New Mexico
107 Raul Holguin Grant New Mexico
108 Michael R Lucero Guadalupe New Mexico
109 Herman Martinez Harding New Mexico
110 Saturnino Madero Hidalgo New Mexico
111 Mark Hargrove Lea New Mexico
112 Rick Virden Lincoln New Mexico
113 Marco Lucero Los Alamos New Mexico
114 Raymond Cobos Luna New Mexico
115 Benny House Otero New Mexico
116 Joe Schallert Quay New Mexico
117 Joe Mascarenas Arriba New Mexico
118 Darren Hooker Roosevelt New Mexico
119 Ken Christesen San Juan New Mexico
120 Benjie Vigil San Miguel New Mexico
121 Robert Garcia Santa Fe New Mexico
122 Joe Baca Sierra New Mexico
123 Phillip Montoya Socorro New Mexico
124 Miguel Romero Jr Taos New Mexico
125 Heath White Torrance New Mexico
126 William Spriggs Union New Mexico
127 Louis Burkhard Valencia New Mexico
128 Tony Desmond Schoharie New York
129 Richard Devlin Jr. Otsego New York
130 Donald Smith Putnam New York
131 David Cole Steuben New York
132 Coy Reid Catawba North Carolina
133 Adell Dobey Edgefield North Carolina
134 Jerry Jones Franklin North Carolina
135 Charlie McDonald Henderson North Carolina
136 Jimmy Thornton Sampson North Carolina
137 Eddie Cathey Union North Carolina
138 Donnie Harrison Wake North Carolina
139 Carey Winders Wayne North Carolina
140 Sam Page Rockingham North Carolina
141 Larry Rollins Harnett North Carolina
142 Alan Norman Cleveland North Carolina
143 A.J. Rodenberg Clermont Ohio
144 Sam Crish Allen Ohio
145 J. Steve Sheldon Richland Ohio
146 Harrell Reid Hamilton Ohio
147 Bob ‘Big Block’ Colbert Wagoner Oklahoma
148 Johnny Tadlock McCurtain Oklahoma
149 Roger LeVick Jackson Oklahoma
150 Glenn E. Palmer Grant Oregon
151 Gil Gilbertson Josephine Oregon
152 Tim Mueller Linn Oregon
153 Craig Zanni Coos Oregon
154 John Hanlin Douglas Oregon
155 John Bishop Curry Oregon
156 Larry Blanton Deschutes Oregon
157 Jim Hensley Crook Oregon
158 Pat Garrett Washington Oregon
159 Dan Staton Multnomah Oregon
160 Mike Winters Jackson Oregon
161 Brian Wolfe Malheur Oregon
162 Mitchell Southwick Baker Oregon
163 Frank Skrah Klamath Oregon
164 Jason Myers Marion Oregon
165 Bob Wolfe Polk Oregon
166 Jack Crabtree Yamhill Oregon
167 Boyd Rasmussen Union Oregon
168 Jim Muller Adams Pennsylvania
169 Eric J. Weaknecht Berks Pennsylvania
170 Clinton J. Walters Bradford Pennsylvania
171 Jeffrey C. Krieg Elk Pennsylvania
172 Bunny Welsh Chester Pennsylvania
173 Jonathan Held Westmoreland Pennsylvania
174 Al Cannon Charleston South Carolina
175 Chuck Wright Spartanburg South Carolina
176 Wayne DeWitt Berkeley South Carolina
177 Jim Matthews Kershaw South Carolina
178 James Metts Lexington South Carolina
179 Leon Lott Richland South Carolina
180 Bruce Bryant York South Carolina
181 Jim Ruth Bradley Tennessee
182 Jim Hammond Hamilton Tennessee
183 Larry Smith Smith Texas
184 Terry Box Collin Texas
185 Joel W. Richardson Randall Texas
186 Jack Brandes Austin Texas
187 Johnny Brown Ellis Texas
188 Michael Cox Hill Texas
189 Bob Alford Johnson Texas
190 Earl Howell McCulloch Texas
191 Parnell McNamara McLennan Texas
192 David Medlin Oldham Texas
193 Tommy Gage Montgomery Texas
194 Dane Kirby Fannin Texas
195 R. Glenn Smith Waller Texas
196 W.T. Smith Burnet Texas
197 Ed Cain Hardin Texas
198 Cameron M. Noel Beaver Utah
199 David Edmunds Summit Utah
200 James Tracy Utah Utah
201 Robert Dekker Millard Utah
202 Frank Park Tooele Utah
203 Joseph Yeates Box Elder Utah
204 G. Lynn Nelson Cache Utah
205 James Cordova Carbon Utah
206 Jerry Jorgensen Daggett Utah
207 Todd Richardson Davis Utah
208 Travis Mitchell Duchesne Utah
209 Greg Funk Emery Utah
210 James D. Perkins Garfield Utah
211 Steven White Grand Utah
212 Mark Gower Iron Utah
213 Alden Orme Juab Utah
214 Lamont Smith Kane Utah
215 Blaine Breshears Morgan Utah
216 Marty Gleave Puite Utah
217 Dale Stacey Rich Utah
218 Rick Eldredge San Juan Utah
219 Brian Nielson Sanpete Utah
220 Nathan Curtis Sevier County Utah
221 Jeff Merrell Uintah Utah
222 Todd Bonner Wasatch Utah
223 Cory Pulsipher Washington Utah
224 Kurt Taylor Wayne Utah
225 Terry Thompson Weber Utah
226 Merv Gustin Duchesne Utah
227 Than Cooper Garfiled Utah
228 James B. Nyland Sr. Grand Utah
229 Gene Ercanbrack Morgan Utah
230 Mike Lacy San Juan Utah
231 Kay P. Larsen Sanpete Utah
232 Phil Barney Sevier Utah
233 Kenneth Vanwagoner Wasatch Utah
234 Kirk Smith Washington Utah
235 Ken Bancroft Asotin Washington
236 Tom Jones Grant Washington
237 Dave Brown Skamania Washington
238 Brett Myers Whitman Washington
239 Ken Irwin Yakima Washington
240 Mike Harper Roane West Virginia
241 Ken Merritt Wood West Virginia
242 David A. Clarke Jr. Milwaukee Wisconsin


Ask your Sheriff to take a stand for freedom and keep his oath! Do it NOW!

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” -Abraham Lincoln
The county sheriff is the last line of defense when it comes to upholding and defending the Constitution.  The sheriff’s duties and obligations go far beyond writing tickets, arresting criminals and operating jails.
We also have an obligation to protect the Constitutional rights of the citizens in our counties.  This includes the right to free speech, the right to assemble and the right to bear arms.
Remember the oath.  We took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, from enemies foreign AND domestic.
In the history of our world, it is government tyranny that has violated the freedoms granted to us by our Creator more than any other.  And it is the duty of the sheriff to protect their counties from those that would take away our freedoms, both foreign AND domestic – whether it is a terrorist from Yemen or a bureaucrat from Washington, DC.

Sheriffs standing up for your rights around the country

Number Of Nation’s Sheriffs Refusing To Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Laws Snowballs

From Florida to California, a growing number of the nation’s sheriffs are standing up to gun control measures proposed by both the administration and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).
Many law enforcement officials have written letters to President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden voicing their concerns over what they believe is an effort to infringe upon the Second Amendment.

Now get a load of this long list of sheriffs that are standing up:

It’s not about controlling guns, it’s about government controlling PEOPLE. The real terrorists are in government and always have been

Here is a REAL SHERIFF doing his duty!

This is what a real constitutional sheriff and true Peace Officer looks like.

Ben Stormes had the opportunity hear Sheriff Jon Lorey speak recently at the national Sheriffs’ Conference in Las Vegas.  He personally relates to the following message pertaining the federally mandated “coordination process”  in dealing with our ever increasing water issues as well as ongoing problems with U.S. Forest Service mismanagement of forests.  We, here in Montana need to pay heed to the experiences of Northern California and the manner in which citizens and their elected officials have taken a strong stand, fighting for the rights and livelihoods of citizens who are being undermined by rampantly intrusive government policies, propagandized news media and misinformed, agenda driven environmental organizations. 
Thank you, Fred Grant, for this very informative article.  I hope it gets wide distribution, readership and application, especially as we here in Montana become increasingly in need of it.  Montanans will be depending upon on our County Commissioners and Sheriffs to utilize “coordination” in dealing with federal agencies to provide policies essential to a healthy economy and way of life.
July 13, 2012————-by Fred Kelly Grant
On July 2, Glen Martin wrote and published a post in the Huffington Post viciously attacking Sheriff Jon Lopey of Siskiyou County, in northern California.  Martin accused Lopey of misrepresentation, using “incendiary rhetoric”, overstepping his authority “to an alarming degree”, and apparently coveting the title of “Emperor of Northern California”.
Martin, an environmentalist writer called his assault “Above the Law”.   He is probably protected from the laws of slander and libel because the good Sheriff would now be considered a “public personality”.  Otherwise, Martin would be at the precipice of having gone overboard as to the truth.  Ironically, the post was published on the 2nd of July—-because the independence that emanated from the Resolution signed on that day allows and protects freedom of speech.  As well as I know Sheriff Lopey, I know that he would not object to Palmer’s right to speak freely, even if inaccurately, and neither do I.  What I object to is that such a formidable site as Huffington Post would publish such a story, with no chance for rebuttal being offered to the elected official attacked.
That fact demonstrates the danger of the internet, e.g., it allows publication of articles that have no semblance of truth, that have been written without any effort to learn the truth or written inaccurately with full knowledge of the truth.  But, the Martin article also points out the awesome power of the internet, because it offers the medium for responding with the truth.
During the past two decades of work in helping local governments and elected officials use the “coordination” authority granted to them in federal laws passed by Congress, I  have many times been counseled to ignore attacks like Martin’s.   My friends, often wiser than I am in matters of political niceties, have contended that responses only prolong the impact of the attacks.  But, in my old age, as I settle into retirement, I have decided to ignore that sage advice.  I believe it is important to tell the public about the authority their local officials have to protect them against federal and state agency over-reach.  The knowledge of “coordination” has helped wherever the process is used.  If more people knew about it, understood it, and worked through organizations like Trademark America, the power of DC based agencies would diminish.
So, I choose to respond to Mr. Martin, and I hope that local officials and citizens who have benefited from local government exercise of “coordination” will also respond—with factual articles that help the general public understand that there is a way to diminish the awesome power that has been built up by the agencies themselves.
Sheriff Jon Lopey knows and understands the United States and California Constitutions.  He understands the position of a sworn County Sheriff in California as the chief law enforcement officer for his jurisdiction.  He knows that the primary duty of the Sheriff is to keep the peace, a peace that can be threatened when federal and state agencies take or infringe on private property rights, particularly when the exercise of those rights control whether or not a person can provide for himself or his family.
He knows also that the revenue base of the County has to remain strong if he is to have the funds needed to keep the peace and perform all other duties assigned him by law.   The plans and management actions of the environmental and natural resource agencies greatly affect the County’s revenue base and economic stability.  So, it is certainly within the Sheriff’s duties to help the County’s citizens protect their property rights, the exercise of which keeps them economically capable of paying their ad valorem taxes that produce revenue needed to provide vital County services.
Congress has recognized the importance of the Sheriff’s duties, and has directed federal agencies to “coordinate” with them.   Congress defined the term “coordinate” in the Federal Land Policy and Management Act, 43 USC 1712, by directing the Secretary of Interior to “coordinate” with local elected officials to resolve inconsistencies between federal and county operations.   The National Forest Management Act requires coordination by Forest Service with the Sheriff; the National Environmental Policy Act requires the same during all NEPA planning and studying.
The legislative history of FLPMA shows clearly that Congress recognized the adverse impact on a County’s revenue base that would result from the monstrous number of federally non-taxed acres in western counties, and from management actions of the federal agencies that manage those federal acres.  Congress thus mandated that federal agencies and personnel work closely with local officials to insure consistency of policy and management.   The method through which this close work is to be performed is “coordination”.
Moreover,  the agencies themselves understand the burden placed on them by Congress.  The Bureau of Land Management, the Forest Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Corps of Engineers, the Highway Administration, the Department of Transportation and the Department of Justice all have issued regulations or planning rules setting forth how their personnel must coordinate with Sheriffs throughout the nation.
FLPMA has been interpreted and applied by the federal court in Utah where the Court set aside a Bureau of Land Management plan that was not consistent with the County plan.  The National Forest Management Act has been interpreted and applied in the federal district court for the Northern District of California where the court set aside a Forest Service plan that was not consistent with a state policy as to providing roadless areas in the national forests.   A California state appellate court has ruled that the “coordination” process means and demands far more than mere cooperation and working together.  It means, according to the court, that local officials have a meaningful role in the planning and management process and that federal officials must attempt to reach a mutually acceptable result.
Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama have issued Executive Orders directing all federal agencies to coordinate with local officials in the spirit of federalism that is required by the United States Constitution, particularly the Tenth Amendment.   I have not read any other of Mr. Martin’s writings which, according to his bio, have appeared in Audubon, National Wildlife, The Nature Conservancy Magazine, Sierra, Outside, Trout, Discover, Wired, and Men’s Journal.  But, based on my experiences of the last fifty years, my bet would be that he is not a fan of either federalism or the Tenth Amendment which Sheriff Lopey understands fully.
California’s legislature has also passed over twenty statutes that require California agencies such as the Fish and Game Department to “coordinate” with the Sheriff.  I have not seen the letter from the Fish and Game Director to which Martin refers, but if it says what Martin attributes to it, the Director really needs to bone up on California law, as well as federal laws that apply to him
Martin obviously understands none of the above.   He wrote without even researching the laws forming the base for Sheriff Lopey’s actions and words.  Or, he intentionally ignored the truth.   Had Martin even  one iota of concern for the truth, he would have talked with Sheriff Lopey before accusing him of mis-using his position to gain personal esteem.
Martin attacks the Sheriff because of his opposition to the Klamath Agreement, knowing that most of his readers will not know the mischief that is inherent in that Agreement that calls for destruction of dams on the Klamath River, at least one of which is generating useful electricity that serves most of Siskiyou County.    Putting aside the illegality of the Agreement (It was negotiated and settled in violation of California’s open meeting law), I move to Martin’s suggestion that destruction of the dams will restore to the Klamath “its once-mighty salmon runs.”  What Martin does not tell his readers is that dam destruction will not save the salmon.  It makes no provision for neutralizing the silt behind the dams, silt that contains heavy metal materials that are toxic to fish. 
When dams were destroyed on the Rogue River in Oregon, the heavy metals from the silt killed all the fish in the river, salmon included.  A year ago, Sheriff Gil Gilbertson took me to the River in Grants Pass where a mining expert demonstrated the black, sticky “glunk” of heavy metals that he could pick out of the water with a magnet—-analysis showed that it contained more than the amount of some toxins than would be permitted by federal agencies if a private company deposited them.  The environmental study for the Klamath destruction ignored these facts in the agency’s analysis of impacts from destruction of dams.
The federal government’s own “independent” study and analysis acknowledged that it is only speculative that destruction of the dams will help salmon recovery. When the dams are destroyed, that silt will be moved so far through the countryside that it will almost assuredly affect coastal ports.  It will move so slowly that it will take years and years to settle out, destroying valuable land, wet lands and waterways as it does.   
Even with that environmental destruction assured, environmental organizations support destruction.  The groups for which Martin writes stand ready to cash in on $93 MILLION a year authorized by the Agreement in grants to environmental organizations for salmon projects FOR YEARS FOLLOWING DESTRUCTION.    Amazing that the Administration cannot determine how to stabilize social security and medicare, but can consider such massive expenditures. 
Sheriff Lopey has the obligation to question the Agreement and its implementation.  The economic loss to ranchers who will lose at least one harvest if irrigation storage is lost will have a huge effect on  the economy of the County, and that will have a huge effect on the funds available to the Sheriff to fund keeping of the peace.  Moreover, if the destruction results in economic loss from water loss, the Sheriff will have the duty to keep the peace among people desperate for water.
The Siskiyou County Supervisors, sharing Sheriff Lopey’s concerns about the County’s citizens,  used their “coordination” authority to advise the Secretary of Interior that he had not complied with the law requiring him to “coordinate” with them and take into proper consideration the economic and environmental effects of the dam destruction.  They and the County Attorney were prepared to file a lawsuit to prevent destruction on the grounds, among others, that Congress had never authorized such action on the Klamath River.  At the very time that Supervisors were in Washington DC with representatives of Trademark America Foundation to discuss the Secretary’s action, he backed away, announcing that he would await Congressional authority.  Had it not been for Siskiyou’s elected officials engaging the Secretary’s department through the “coordination” authority, the Secretary’s order would no doubt already have been issued.
Sheriff Lopey is rightfully concerned about his citizens’ losing their water rights because that loss constitutes a deprival of a private property interest.  It is deprivation of a civil right which the United States Supreme Court has held to be one of the most critical to our ordered society.  Martin cautions that the water rights of the Yurok and Karuk Indians “likely supersede those of the ranchers” along the Klamath.    The active word is “likely” because Martin does not know the status of any such rights.   Moreover, Martin ignores the fact that even if their rights “supersede”, the term “supersede” does not equate to “destroy all secondary” water rights.   The Agreement will ultimately deprive ranchers, farmers and municipal populations of water rights—-and without the compensation that is required by both the California and United States Constitutions.
Martin also attacks the Sheriff for his efforts to see that logging resumes in Siskiyou County.  Martin says, inaccurately, that there is no viable logging left because the forests were clear cut long ago.  He uses his work in the Forest Service and information from the “70s” as his source.  If Martin is as active with environmental groups as his writing would suggest, he knows this is a completely false statement.   This is 2012, the forests are in sick and dying condition today, not from over-logging, but because of lawsuits and disruptions of logging caused by some of  those for whom Martin writes.  The Forest Service for which he worked even acknowledges that logging is critical today to return forest health.   But obstructionist environmental organizations still work to prevent logging at the risk of seeing the forests die.  Siskiyou County, as others throughout the northwest know that if they had the management decisions for even a portion of the Forests, they could let contracts that would put people back to work, and reduce federal expenditures that are being made in lieu of former logging receipts.  Sheriff Lopey knows this, and it is his duty as the elected law enforcement representative of the County’s citizens to push the agencies toward getting past the environmentalist obstructionism.
Jon Lopey stands tall along with several other California sheriffs who have determined that they will exercise the authority granted them by federal and California law.  Those grants of authority are consistent with the Tenth Amendment’s reservations of sovereign authority of states and local governments in matters related to the “police powers”, that is, those powers necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare.    I am proud to have worked with him.  He serves his citizens well, and is the kind of Sheriff every county deserves.

CNET Does Article on Sheriff Mack

Some excellent coverage of the campaign on the tech-news site CNET

Cnet is a tech news website that covers issues having to do with internet freedom among other things.
They just did a wonderful article and interview with Richard Mack that you will want to see.

Ron Paul’s positions are NOT new.

Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America

Proof that the NEW WORLD ORDER has been planned by the elite. Robert Welch, Founder of The John Birch Society, predicted today’s problems with uncanny accuracy back in 1958 and prescribed solutions in 1974 that are very similar to Ron Paul’s positions today. This is proof that there are plans in place by the elite to systemically disassemble US sovereignty. I wonder who those elite are.

My uncle, Leo B. Landsberger was the paid staff co-ordinator in North Dakota, for the John Birch Society in the late 60s when George Wallace was running for President.  Leo started a ticket of candidates for public offices across North Dakota covering all state level offices, national offices and most of the state legislature, all of whom were members of the John Birch Society. Many of my uncles and aunts were on that ticket or supporting the candidates so I couldn’t help but learn and be involved. In fact I became one of the advance men for the candidates and did many meetings in North Dakota, helping set up over 20 new chapters of the Birch Society during about a 3 year period.

The John Birch Society is an educational organization that has had more truth and history available to the American public than most any other organization of it’s kind in American history.

It was because of the films and printed materials from the Birch Society that I first became interested in what made our country great, and even while I was still in High School became active for freedom.

Their relationship with Ron Paul is on their website at

Ron Paul is NOT a member but the media wants to use old smear tactics and guilt by association to smear him like they did the Birch Society back in the 60s.

The smear tactics of the radical left are old news. They are tired and worn out attempts at discrediting the messenger because the radical left can NOT successfully argue the real issues that Ron Paul, and yes the Birch Society have been exposing for decades. I was a volunteer “co-ordinator” without any official status for several years until I got involved in a private security company called Western Inspection Service, and then moved to Montana in 1970 and started a family.  I have always been active somewhat in politics and conservative action, but nothing like now.
At this point I do this full time. In fact this weekend Feb. 10th 2012 I am heading for a big gun show in Butte Montana, the first of the season, to set up my table with silver, radio gear, solar power equipment, and DVD movies about everything that is going on. If you get around Butte this weekend stop in and visit, and pick up our new professionally created videos about  Ron Paul, Bob Fanning and Chuck Baldwin, and Sheriff Richard Mack with Stewart Rhodes of Oathkeepers.

You can also see many other videos for sale for just one dollar here:

We now have the ability to process Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express credit and debit cards with secure data transfer at the gun shows or anywhere.

See you at the gun show in Butte at the Copper King hotel complex on Harrison drive west towards the airport.

Friday 12 to 6PM

Saturday 9AM to 6 M

Sunday 9AM to 3PM

Elect Sheriff Richard Mack to U.S. Congress

Dear Friend,
I urge you to read this message and share it with your friends and family.

Time is short and our country is at a breaking point.

I’ve spent the last few months speaking with Tea Party members, friends, neighbors and political activists from across the spectrum who are all concerned about one thing: protecting and securing our liberties.

I’ve thought long and hard about our political options. I often pray over it. And now, I need your input …

I’ve been nominated to run for U.S. Congress in my district.

While I’ve always worked at the local level to prevent the federal government from overstepping its authority, I’m willing to challenge my current representative.

I haven’t put my name on the ballot yet. But when I do, you can bet that I will run an aggressive campaign.

First, I need to know if my friends and fellow activists are willing to support my primary campaign against a career politician. And my team needs to gauge how much support will be offered.

I live in the 21st Congressional District of Texas. Lamar Smith has “represented” our district for the last 28 years.

You may have heard of him recently. He has been in the news for authoring and sponsoring a bill that goes beyond the enumerated powers authorized in the U.S. Constitution. It also violates the First Amendment, Fourth Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment.

The bill is called, the “Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA).”

But in truth it should be called, the “Stop Online Profits Act.”

Because that’s what it will do. It raises the legal and compliance costs to the breaking point for small retailers, independent websites, bloggers and alternative media websites.

SOPA practically criminalizes the Internet business model that depends on user-generated content.

One instance of a user uploading copyrighted work could lead the website to be permanently blocked from all financial network processors. One complaint could also remove a site from search engines and Internet Services Providers.

The consequences of SOPA go beyond the Internet.

SOPA will reduce the number of Internet jobs and hurt a recovering economy.

Here’s why –

One instance of streaming a copyright violation could cost a website operator or owner five years in prison. (That means companies like Google, YouTube and Facebook could not have been started under SOPA.)

That results in fewer entrepreneurs risking their capital to start Internet companies.

That results in fewer start-ups, which have been the net creator of private sector jobs over the last few years.
Never mind that SOPA is an un-Constitutional mandate, unauthorized by Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.

Never mind that copyright holders can already prosecute violations of infringement under existing U.S. Code Title 17 and Title 18.

Never mind that it’s not the responsibility of U.S. taxpayers to fund quality-control or authentication procedures for corporations with political lobbyists.
Never mind that Customs and TSA Agents will be checking our souvenirs at airports and train stations to ensure “official” corporate branding.

Never mind that this bill will not prevent “online piracy” but will censor online communications, making it increasingly difficult to find information about how your representative voted on key issues like the Patriot Act and NDAA. (Smith voted yes on both.)

And never mind that SOPA goes against everything the Republican Party, conservatives and free market capitalism stands for.

What concerns me is what this is really about…
… it’s about who controls information,
… it’s about intervening in how people communicate with each other on a mass scale,
… and it’s about converting the private sector in to Red Coats for the federal government.

SOPA passes off operating costs of this federal program to small retailers, online blogs, alternative media sources, and consumers.

It forces companies with websites to hire “copyrights managers” who will receive and process copyrights complaints from the public. And then it forces those employees to report infringements to the federal government’s Copyrights Office.

In turn, the federal government hires more bureaucrats in the Copyrights Office, State Department and Attorney General’s Office to process the information. And do you know what else SOPA does?

It authorizes those bureaucrats to represent the big media corporatists that compete with so called “rogue websites.”

What’s really concerning is that SOPA is being sponsored by a Republican representative in a Republican controlled House.

At a time when our economy is in a recession, why would a Republican representative want to reduce private sector jobs? And why on earth would Smith give more power to Barack Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder? Well, that is what SOPA does.

The thought of joining Washington D.C. goes against everything I stand for. But the thought of watching a career-politician represent me and pay lip-service to the Constitution is more than I can bear.

That’s why I’m accepting the nomination to challenge Lamar Smith.

Let me be upfront with you.
Political campaigns take tremendous grassroots effort and strong organization. They also take financial resources and a large network of support.

When we enter this primary race, we will be working around the clock to reach voters. We will need to fund mass mailings, signs, banners, door hangers, radio and Internet advertisements, canvassing, and other voter outreach efforts.

But the first thing we must do is gauge how much financial support we have.

If you want my team to run an aggressive primary against Lamar Smith, then I urge you to rush me a special and generous contribution to “Committee to Elect Sheriff Mack for Congress.” Our campaign needs funds TODAY.
Representatives do have a service to offer the public. But that service is to secure and protect rights. And they need a little bit of courage to do that.

As a police officer, my superiors wanted me to give tickets to my fellow Americans for things like not fastening their seat belts. I found it annoying that our government was trying to force people to behave a certain way. When the government didn’t get the response they wanted, I was told to take confiscate their property. (That’s what a ticket is. Confiscation.)

My conscience drove me to find a way to reconcile my duties: I was a police officer, man of faith, father, husband and I had taken an oath to honor the Constitution.

It took time, humility – ok, and a great deal of repeat lessons – to learn how to honor my constitutional oath while serving in law enforcement.

The lesson came from studying the constitution and the lives of the framers. And then I had to follow my convictions. I stopped giving tickets. And I learned how to become a public servant who protects rights.

The time has come once again for me to reconcile parts of my life with the seemingly incompatible. DC is not someplace I want to spend my time. But I’m willing to do it because I’ve been called on by neighbors, friends and others who love liberty as much as I.

I believe that we can save our Republic. But in order for us to do that, we must have the correct information about the meaning of liberty. And we must share it freely with others.

There are a few other things that you can do to help in addition to sending a contribution …

Please forward this message to as many people as you know who are concerned about liberty and Internet freedom. Send it to friends, family and fellow activists.

If we are going to succeed in unseating Lamar Smith, it’s going to take thousands of us coming together.

If you can also blog about it and ask others to blog about our campaign on websites and social media, that would help spread the message of liberty and boost our campaign efforts.

Again – the most important and urgent resource we need are financial contributions. And we do need them RIGHT NOW. I hope you will consider rushing back a special, urgently needed contribution.

The only way we can take on the machine of Lamar Smith is together.

Now, I’ve spent years rejecting un-Constitutional laws at the local level. And I teach others to do the same.

And I’ve taken the federal government to the U.S. Supreme Court and won in Printz v. U.S. Together, you and I can retire Lamar Smith.
Will you join me?

Yours In Liberty,
Sheriff Mack

PS: Volunteers, friends and activists have started organizing preliminary efforts. Help us take on Lamar Smith in a Republican primary. Please rush a special and urgent contribution to our campaign. You can make a donation of $15, $20, $25, $35 or more RIGHT NOW! (Up to $2,500 for individuals, $5,000 for married couples.)

PPS: Please forward this email to friends and family and post it to blogs and websites. Please also share it on Facebook!
like our facebook page
forward to a friend

Copyright © 2012 Committee to Elect Sheriff Mack, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Committee to Elect Sheriff Mack
1605 A East Main Street
Fredericksburg, TX 78624

How Ron Paul can restore Constitutional government and common law!

The courts say we have no standing on many issues of national security like Obama’s eligibility and others.

What do they base that ruling on? How do they get away with not allowing any “constitutional arguments” in the courts?

This article not only traces the legal history of how it was done, but shows a solution that is very possible if Ron Paul were elected.

Even though what was done might be “legal” the question remains if it was LAWFUL. The lawful part of the question may be unanswered at this point, but the Supreme court seems to have answered whether government is still bound by the US Constitution in the Mack/Printz decision.

Read the decision here:

Get the video “The Power of the County Sheriff to Stop Tyranny” about what the Mack/Printz decision means from our video site here:  Just $1 each on DVD

The Power of the County Sheriff to Stop Tyranny, and The Solution to Real Homeland Security

This new movie from Lincoln County Watch featuring former Sheriff Richard Mack and Oathkeepers founder Stewart Rhodes outline both of their very successful programs to wake up active duty military, veterans, peace officers and Sheriffs across this land, and help them keep their oath to the Constitution. Brand new on July 29th, 2011.

There is no better solution than the county sheriff standing up for the oath they took.
Every Sheriff should attend the Constitutional Sheriff’s Convention in January 2012.

Peace Officers Uniting to End State and Federal Tyranny

Las Vegas, NV, Jan 29-31, 2012

Important convention for Constitutional Sheriffs.

This could make the difference of American Freedom or slavery.

This announcement is in response to the many people that inquired about helping get our local NW Montana county Sheriff’s and/or Under Sheriff’s to this important Conference.

Right now we are in fundraiser mode. Immediate goal per county is $1,000. I am focused on Flathead County and anything extra raised will go to help out Lincoln and Sanders County for helping get their Sheriff’s sent to the CSPOA conference. Please respond with how much you would like to contribute to the cause and I will keep a tally.

For those that would like to help in other ways like 1. getting in touch with your Sheriff(encourage them to attend by phoning, writing or emailing) 2. contacting County Commissioners( encourage them give the Sheriff their blessing by showing up at public comment or getting scheduled on the commissioners agenda) or 3. by attending the Las Vegas CSPOA conference yourself (have considered this myself) please get back to me with how you would like to help out. Thanks! ~Dane

Points of Contact for the counties of Lincoln, Sanders & Flathead:

Lincoln County – Rex Nichols 889-3980 /
Sanders County – Mark French 360-1284 /
Flathead County – Dane Clark 270-5525 /

Constitutional Sheriffs & Police Officers Association Conference – January 30th Las Vegas, Nevada

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much does it cost to get my sheriff there? Can I sponsor my sheriff?

A: If you specify your county and county sheriff’s name, we will ensure he/she gets an official invitation to attend the January 30th meeting. If the donations you collect from your county meet or exceed $1000, your sheriff will have a funded trip to the meeting. If your sheriff declines to attend, then the monies raised will be used to fund another county sheriff’s attendance. If your sheriff accepts the invitation or seeks out a seat at the meeting, and there is not $1000 raised in your county, then your sheriff will be put into the queue for attendance.

Q: Can individuals seeking or planning to seek the office of sheriff in their county attend, and will their expenses also be paid?

A: A limited number of registered candidates for the office of sheriff are welcome to attend, without raising $1000, but must pay their own air fare and accommodations.

Q: Are other people allowed to attend the meeting?

A: A limited number of people who donate $1000 (ensuring a sitting, duly elected county sheriff can attend), and are also pre-approved by the CSPOA Board, may also attend the meetings, but their travel to and from and their own overnight accommodations must be additionally paid for. These individuals will have access to the meetings and training materials and will be included in the group meals that are served.

Q: What does the $1,000 per county sheriff pay for, and how can you show proof of how it is spent?

A: $1,000 will cover the air fare, hotel (2 nights) and catered meals for the attendees. Any additional expenses will be out of pocket to each attendee. Additionally, a portion of the $1,000 will go to help with room rental, audio/visual equipment, Internet connectivity, printing and copying expenses, and some shared expenses of support staff. As the project progresses we will be making an accounting sheet of disbursements available to those who inquire. We are hoping to have volunteers to transport people to and from the airport, etc.

Q: Is there an alternative way to donate other than PayPal at the website?

A: Yes! Please, mail silver or gold, or checks or money orders payable to CSPOA to:


112 Ridgewood Dr.

FredericksburgTX 78624

Q: What if my sheriff is unconstitutional and refuses to attend, even if we paid for his/her way?

A: Many people are raising $1,000 in their county so that they may diplomatically and in good faith request that their county sheriff attend…stressing to their sheriff that there are no obstacles to his/her attendance and that he/she is supported by the people to attend. If that sheriff declines to participate or even have a deputy in a leadership position attend instead, then the people of that county have him/her on record that he/she is not a constitutional sheriff and the people will have that as a story to tell in their county. Some groups are preparing news releases that celebrate their sheriff’s attendance, as well as a news release that criticizes their sheriff for not attending. We will post the news releases at this site as they are issued. You may ask a sheriff candidate of your choice instead.

Q: What is the agenda, what will happen at the meeting?

A: The final agenda is still being formed and will be posted at the website upon completion.

Tentatively, the day is to begin at 9 a.m. And end no sooner than 9 p.m., with lunch and dinner breaks in between. The day’s activities will tentatively include:

  • Bill of Rights Training from Michael Badnarik
  • Presentation on the Second Amendment from Larry Pratt
  • Presentation on the Tenth Amendment and state sovereignty
  • Presentation on the threat of Agenda 21 to state sovereignty
  • Presentation on Continental Congress 2009’s Articles of Freedom
  • County Sheriff Success Stories on Enforcing the Bill of Rights
  • Presentation on formation of a Sheriff’s Posse

Joint Declaration notifying specific federal agencies about specific violations that county sheriffs will no longer tolerate in their counties.

Q: What is a Constitutional Sheriff?

A: A constitutional sheriff is the only law enforcement officer elected in your county, who follows his/her oath of office by enforcing the Bill of Rights and defending the people’s individual rights, including interposing him/herself between unlawful federal regulatory programs and the people.

Q: If my sheriff does not attend, why should I donate to this project?

A: This project is building a support system for sheriffs in all fifty states. The County Sheriff Project will advance the awareness, understanding and implementation of nullifying unlawful regulations, legislation and tyranny from state and federal government. This project will promote that America peacefully return to its foundational principles, one county at a time, one sheriff at a time.

Q: What violations can the county sheriff prevent?

A: The county sheriff can prevent unlawful searches and seizures, unlawful freezing of individual bank accounts, unlawful foreclosures, unlawful theft of property, unlawful actions by agents of unconstitutional federal agencies such as the FDA, IRS, ATF, EPA and more.

Q: Is this project associated with the national organization, Oath Keepers?

A: The chairman of the County Sheriff and Peace Officer Association, the sponsoring organization of this January 30th meeting, Richard Mack, is also on the board of directors of the Oath Keepers organization. The County Sheriff Project does not speak for the Oath Keepers.

Q: How can I find out if my sheriff has completed a County Sheriff Survey?

A: We will be presenting the results of the County Sheriff Survey issued by CSPOA to the sheriffs in attendance at the meeting. We encourage all to take a copy of the survey and seek an audience with their own county sheriff to arrange for any and all sworn officers to review and respond as publicly as possible to the County Sheriff Survey. We will be determining how to proceed with the results of our own issued survey at the meeting.

Q: How do we know which county sheriffs are attending?

A: We are publishing the names of the CSPOA Board of Directors at the and websites. We will be determining how to publicize the attendees and the results of the January 30th County Sheriff Project at the event, and proceed from there. You are encouraged to lobby your own county sheriff to participate and attend.

Q: There are many topics that I do not see listed at your website that the sheriffs should be considering. How are you addressing issues like illegal immigration, war on drugs, TSA, forced vaccinations and so on?

A: All violations of the people’s individual liberties and freedoms are important and must eventually be addressed. The scope of involvement at this January 30th meeting will be partly determined by the subject matter expertise of the participating sheriffs as well as time limitations. We do not anticipate this meeting being the last meeting of such individuals who seek to enforce the Bill of Rights. Every single violation cannot be covered one by one, there simply is not enough time is one day to cover so many. However, a Constitutional sheriff with our training will be capable of recognizing such abuses and find ways to protect his constituents from all tyrants.

Q: Will this meeting be webcast live while it is happening?

A: No. This will be a private meeting, ensuring that all the county sheriffs have the maximum comfort level and confidentiality to discuss these important matters. All attendees will be known and identified by the CSPOA Board of Directors.

Q: Does Sheriff Mack endorse candidates who are running for various offices around the country?

A: As a rule we do not. Our focus is to gather like-minded elected Sheriffs in one location, and give them the information they need to best understand the Constitution and their oath of office to defend the principles in that document.

Q: Is there a collection started for my county to sponsor our sheriff to attend the convention?

A: We do not have the resources to efficiently track individual county’s sponsorships, at this time. If you are willing to begin a fund for your sheriff, you may want to call your sheriff, give him/her your name and phone number and tell him/her that you are taking donations to send him/her to this convention. When others contact him/her, he/she can refer them to you. That way, you would not be duplicating efforts if someone else in your county wants to create a sponsorship as well. If your sheriff tells you that he/she is not interested in attending, you must make your own decision from there to simply donate directly to the Project.

Kalispell patriots expose the SPLC as radical leftist propagandists for tyranny.

SPLC and Montana Human Rights Network step in the political doodoo again.

Radical leftists are scared to death of real Americans getting awake and active against tyranny. Naming the Kalispell freedom movement as anti-government when it should be named anti-tyranny is just one of their demonization tactics that doesn’t work any more.
They can’t argue the real issues of freedom and liberty. All they have left is demonization and character assassination. They attempt to paint everyone in the freedom movement with a broad brush of extremism and racism, when in fact the radical left are the real extremists trying to overthrow our Constitutional Republic and sink our country into violence out of which they hope to have a total police state under their own control.

Their game is one of polarization, hoping to intimidate the average American into silence and non participation in the fight against tyranny. The real terrorists and racists belong to the radical left as is evidenced by the occupy movement, in contrast to the Tea Party groups and demonstrations where there was not one single arrest and where the grounds used for these demonstrations were left cleaner than the demonstrators found them. The Occupiers seem to think the only answer is MORE government, just like the radical left wants.

This is old news in Montana. The radical left “human rights network” has been doing this to true patriots for years, and they are pretty well ignored when they do. Of course they always parrot the SPLC, and are cut from the same cloth. But they are of little consequence compared to the SPLC who seem to have the ear of the federal agencies such as DHS, FBI, ATF and some state and county law enforcement agencies.

Ask yourself why those agencies almost never bother to call the people who are being attacked by these radical leftist organziations.  These radical leftists are actually promoting big government and trying to give big government tyrants an excuse to attack real Americans with SWAT and other force oriented police state groups, while the people being demonized by these radical leftists are only trying to restore the rule of law in America by bringing back the US Constitution as the supreme law of the land.

The radical left has been trying for years to do away with the US Constitution because it is our bullwork structure of law against which tyranny dashes itself to pieces every time.
We simply say that the US Constitution is still in full force and effect!
If you don’t believe that read the Mack/Printz decision by the Supreme Court.

If we are right, and the US Constitution IS still in full force and effect, then those who are participating in this demonization are the real extremists, and outlaws. The real extremists and outlaws are those who would squash liberty and freedom under the weight of tyranny. The real extremists and outlaws are those who would violate the US Constitution, (the supreme law for the United States) under the color of some federal code or statute, which are not law if they are repugnant to that Constitution. (Marbury v Madison).
The real terrorists are those, in government and in the radical left who would use force against freedom loving Americans. The real terrorists are those who would deceive law enforcement officials into believing that real American freedom loving patriots are any kind of threat against peace and good order. They are trying to goad police and government agents into violence against the people. They are trying to create fear and distrust between law enforcement and the people.

In short they are scared to death that their own power and money corruption is being exposed to the masses, and they are watching their power, money and usuped authority vanishing before their eyes, and it scares the living daylights out of them, because it’s all they know.

Most of these types of propagandists operate with Fraud, Deception, Threat, Duress, and Coercion. They participate in government that governs by the same means.  They are the real agents of anti-government. They are anti-freedom, anti-liberty, anti-rule of law, anti-morality, anti-peace, anti-individuality, anti-constitution, anti-states rights, anti-self defense, anti-freedom of religion, anti-God, anti-prayer.  Now where do you think they are really getting their “inspiration” from?

In short, the power in this country rests with the people, where it always has, and because the people have been decieved they have not exercised their power for years. The radical left only exercises the power the people allow them to exercise, and the people are waking up to that fact, and taking their power back.

Many sheriffs and veterans are waking up to that fact also, thanks to Richard Mack, and Oathkeepers. That must scare the crap out of the leftist radicals. When the Fraud, Deception, Threat, Duress, and Coercion are exposed, then the rule of law takes their place. When good freedom loving peaceful American patriots are informed of their real power, then tyranny fails, and the radical left knows that.

When people realize through education and history that they have more power just by knowledge than they thought they had, then this country will begin to turn around.

The radical left does not want you to know your real power.
They don’t want you to know that you have several votes to exercise continuously rather than just your ballot box vote.
They don’t want you to know that you have absolute power to nullify bad law with your JURY VOTE.

They don’t want you to know that your power of a Grand Jury to investigate corruption in government was taken away with the new Montana constitution in 1973. They don’t even want you to know the history of the Grand Jury, let alone how it was used in the past to enforce the rule of law against tyrannical government.

They especially don’t want you to be fully aware and exercise your right to self defense by promoting the second amendment  and carrying a weapon for self defense. They will brand you a radical because you take a stand against tyranny in government and government terrorism by carrying concealed.

They want you to believe that all federal codes and statutes “trump” state law, and even the Constitution.
They agree when government deceives you into giving up your Constitutionally guaranteed God given rights in favor of codes, regulations, and statutes. For the left, all power should rest in government including making government your god, rather than your having God given rights that government can’t touch.

They don’t want you to study history and know the ideas of the founders about freedom and liberty, and that freedom and liberty gave this country prosperity, not government.

In fact they can’t argue any of these real important and founding ideas. They know that, so they don’t try. They just call you names instead. Freedom to them seems to be for only their leftist friends. It seems they want to be free even from any kind of moral law. See and look how they want to be free from even the natural law. Look for their support of all sorts of things they say should be a right, that are totally aginst God’s laws. They want government to be able to steal your wealth and pass it around to people who refuse to work. They want stolen health care to be a right.
The desire to be free from God’s laws is only slavery to Satan. They don’t want you to be free to follow your conscience, but only their “politically correct” ideas. That is not freedom but slavery to government. They won’t be satisfied until they have absolute control over your mind, your body, your children and your life. They are really against true freedom and liberty on  an individual basis. You are only to be free enough to produce to keep them in power. Ask them how much government money they are sucking up. I bet they won’t answer honestly.

They especially don’t want you and your sheriff to know the power of the county sheriff to stop tyranny.

They especially don’t want you to realize that this freedom movement is national in scope and size with millions of participants at various levels of knowledge, and what really scares the devil out of them is the fact that once people wake up and realize the peril our country faces, THEY NEVER GO BACK TO SLEEP!

So you should use how much they scream at you as a direct yardstick of your effectiveness. If they are not screaming at you by name or organization, then you need to do more to wake up your fellow Americans.
The more they scream at you, the more effective you are, so pour it on with education to the people around you and be delighted when the radical left demonizes you.

“Blessed shall you be when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you and shall reproach you and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake. Be glad in that day and rejoice: for behold, your reward is great in heaven, For according to these things did their fathers to the prophets”.

And likewise the Kings of England and all their minions did to the founders of this country. You are in good company.

I would not want to trade places with anyone in the leftist paradigm right now, especially when they have to meet their maker.

When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. — Thomas Jefferson

LEGAL NOTICE: The Authors specifically invoke the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press, without prejudice (UCC 1-308), on this website. The information posted on this website is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America and are the opinion of the author. Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this website may be reproduced unless by written consent. You hereby have written consent to post any individual post from this website containing this copyright to any other blog or email only if you post the whole and unaltered article including this copyright, and give proper credit to the author, and a link back to this blog at This applies only to articles written by Paul Stramer. ©2005-2011 by Montana Business Communications (PDS) All rights remain in force. Removing this notice forfeits all rights to recourse. Copyright strictly enforced ©

County Sheriffs Push Back Against Feds

County Sheriffs Push Back Against Feds

——————–>Please Forward<——————–
SPECIAL REPORT: County Sheriffs Push Back Against Feds
Primary video link:
click to watch

Americans are pushing back all over the country. It is very clear a revolution is in full swing. Tea Parties have been organizing to fight the bailouts and taxation. Occupy Movements have be springing up to fight against Wall St corruption at the hands of the Federal Reserve. Americans are pulling their cash out of Big Banks and supporting local Credit unions, as we move into a heated election season where it looks like it’s anyone’s game.

In today’s exclusive special report Gary Franchi is joined by Former Graham County Sheriff Richard Mack. They discuss the County Sheriff Project, a movement that will compound the effort to push back against an over reaching Federal Government, a movement that needs your support.


How you can support the County Sheriff Project:

1st. Visit their website at and make a financial contribution

2nd. Simply share this video to your social networks and email lists.

3rd. Give your local Sheriff a copy of Sheriff Mack’s book “The County Sheriff: America’s Last Hope” available at, and tell them about the County Sheriff Project.




SPECIAL REPORT: County Sheriffs Push Back Against Feds
Primary video link:

The Ron Paul Uprising by William Lewis

Pre-Order now at

Special Invitation from Sheriff Richard Mack – Critical for Freedom

It’s critical to get this to all on your mailing list. Watch the videos below.
We all need to help get this done.
Sent: 11/2/2011 1:23:17 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time


We have started an organization called FREE AMERICA NOW. We have a temporary site online ( Our regular site will be up and operational in a few days. The education we promised will be provided via this group. We have an excellent group of people involved with these efforts. One of our Board members, Gerry Donaldson, has a radio show on Tuesday evenings which will be a large portion of our educational program. Go to

Below is a plea from Sheriff Richard Mack asking for your help. The US is circling the drain. And for all those who may not be aware, once the US goes down, the rest of the countries will soon follow. It does not matter from which country you hail, you will be well served to dedicate to this endeavor whatever meager or generous amount suits your means. FREE AMERICA NOW is working jointly with Sheriff Mack to ensure the success of this sheriffs project. It is imperative that you recognize the significance of having your county sheriff keep his/her oath to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and to the People. Having your sheriff attend this conference in Las Vegas will arm him/her with the essentials necessary to implement his/her authority and a support group comprised of other sheriffs around the country. WE NEED OUR SHERIFFS IN OUR CORNER. The sheriff has the authority to stop unlawful foreclosures, IRS freezing our bank accounts and stealing our property, and can stop all this ridiculous encroachment of the various federal agencies. This project will lay the very foundation necessary to begin regaining control of power for and to the People. Each of the 3,141 sheriffs across the country will receive an invitation from Sheriff Mack’s office. When that invitation is sent, you will be notified and it will be necessary for you to contact your sheriff personally to prompt his/her attendance. Please do not contact your sheriff about this until that time. If your sheriff is not interested in standing with other Constitutional sheriffs whose numbers are steadily growing, he/she will need to be replaced in your next election. We need to know which sheriffs are for the People and which are for the status quo. This project will help determine just that.
I ask you all to please write your own forward for this letter from Sheriff Mack and send it to as many people as possible. No one can afford to sit idle in these times. It is crucial to get this message out to the masses and ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO GET THIS FUNDING!!!!

Watch these videos – Infowars Special Report With Sheriff Richard Mack – Oath Keeper Sheriff Richard Mack Freedom Watch Sheriff Mack – State Sovereignty

Just One Chance!
Dear Friends,

What would you do if you knew you had just one chance to save your family and country from complete and utter destruction? What would you do if you knew there was a lawful and peaceful way to restore the Constitution and its Bill of Rights as the supreme law of the land? As a former peace officer and county sheriff, if I were to take the stand in court right this minute, and be sworn to tell the truth, I would, without any hesitation or ambiguity, testify to you and every American, that there is a solution, that there is in fact a way to secure liberty, protect ourselves and our families, and once again live in peace and freedom.

The solution is in your hands, it is within your own backyard, and it is right in your own county. The solution is state sovereignty and each county acting in accordance with the principles established in the 10th Amendment. It’s you working with your county sheriff and locally elected officials to stand for the Bill of Rights and stand against the out of control federal government and it agencies.

The bottom line answer is your county sheriff. Ultimately, he is the one who will decide what is and what is not enforced in your county. He has the authority and oath bound duty to interpose himself on your behalf to protect you from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. He is the people’s protector.

But the county sheriffs cannot do this alone. They need training, education, and support. To this end, I have helped form the CSPOA or the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officer Association. And, one of our first projects is national convention of up to 200 county sheriffs, targeted to convene in January 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

We can free America now, one county at a time, with the leadership of one county sheriff at a time. In Las Vegas nearly 10% of America’s county sheriffs will walk away with the constitutional training and first hand knowledge of fellow sheriffs’ success stories in upholding their oaths of office. These constitutional sheriffs will establish a Declaration reaffirming their Oaths and enumerating the federal government violations that will no longer be tolerated.

This convention is a significant step in formalizing a nation of constitutional sheriffs. There is no abuse they will not be able to stop. When the county sheriff enforces the Bill of Rights and upholds his oath of office, we can free America now. No more waiting for the next election, the time to act is now, and it is within your grasp to make this happen.

To make this happen, this project needs your financial support. Our founders pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to this holy cause. What are you willing to do to restore our republic? We are not asking for your fortunes, but merely that you do what you can. To ensure that each sheriff attends, we must raise $200,000 to cover travel, accommodations, and training costs. To make this happen in January, we are targeting this fundraising goal to be reached by December 15, 2011.

With your help, this could be one of the most important meetings since the Founders signed the Constitution.

The Sheriffs are key to taking back our Republic!
To donate online for this urgent meeting visit

To send checks or money orders mail to CSPOA, 112 Ridgewood Dr., Fredericksburg, TX 78624. Your contributions are not only appreciated but a valuable part of restoring freedom in America!

Yours in liberty,

Sheriff Richard Mack (RET)

The States Can Stop Obama!

By Sheriff Richard Mack (Ret.) 11-5-2009

By now we have all heard the clichés and seen the posters from the “Tea Parties” espousing freedom, less government, and perhaps most of all, how the federal government had better back off trying to shove their national healthcare down our otherwise healthy throats. The truth of the matter is all the slogans of “Don’t Tread On Me” or “Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death” or “We’re Mad As Hell And We’re Not Taking It Anymore,” don’t mean a thing when compared to reality; the real and actual answer to all the protests, marches, and outrage. The answer is in our own backyards!
The States can stop every bit of it! That’s right, the individual States can stop “Obamacare” and all other forms of out-of-control federal government mandates and “big brother” tactics. If Arizona, Hawaii, New Hamshire, Texas, etc. want nothing to do with National Healthcare as proposed by Barack Obama or Congress, then all they have to do is say “No!”

For you skeptics who think the States could no more do this than fly to the moon, let’s look at the law. First, the U.S. Constitution is the ultimate and supreme law of the land. More specifically, the Bill of Rights was established, because some of our Founding Fathers, feared that the Constitution did not go far enough in restricting or limiting the central government. Hamilton was one of a select few who wanted a bigger and powerful federal government. However, several key states and powerful delegates such as Patrick Henry, said they would not support the formation of a new government if the Constitution did not contain a Bill of Rights, a supreme law to establish basic and fundamental human rights that could never, for all future American generations, be violated, altered or encroached upon by government. So the Framers of our Constitution came up with ten; ten God-given freedoms that would forever be held inviolable by our own governments.

The last of these basic, foundational, principles was the one to protect the power, sovereignty, and the autonomy of the States; the Tenth Amendment. This amendment and law underscores the entire purpose of the Constitution to limit government and forbids the federal government from becoming more powerful than the “creator.” Let’s be very clear here; the States in this case were the creator. They formed the federal government, not the other way around. Does anyone believe rationally that the States intended to form a new central government to control and command the States at will?

Nothing could be further from the truth. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution details what duties the federal government will be responsible for under our new system of “balanced power.” Anything not mentioned in Article 1, Sec. 8, is “reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” (Tenth Amendment) Hence, the federal government was not allowed creativity or carte blanche to expand or assume power wherever and whenever they felt like it. The feds had only discrete and enumerated and very limited powers. Omnipotency was the last thing the Founding Fathers intended to award the newly formed federal government. They had just fought the Revolutionary War to stop such from Britain and their main concern was to prevent a recurrence here in America.

In perhaps the most recent and powerful Tenth Amendment decision in modern history, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Mack/Printz v U.S. that “States are not subject to federal direction.” But today’s federal Tories argue that the “supremacy clause” of the U.S. Constitution says that the federal government is supreme and thus, trumps the States in all matters. Wrong!
The supremacy clause is dealt with in Mack/Printz, in which the Supreme Court stated once and for all that the only thing “supreme” is the constitution itself.
Our constitutional system of checks and balances certainly did not make the federal government king over the states, counties, and cities. Justice Scalia opined for the majority in Mack/Printz, that “Our citizens would have two political capacities, one state and one federal, each protected from incursion by the other.”
So yes, it is the duty of the State to stop the Obamacare “incursion.” To emphasize this principle Scalia quotes James Madison, “The local or municipal authorities form distinct and independent portions of the Supremacy, no more subject within their respective spheres, to the general authority than the general authority is subject to them, within its own sphere.”

The point to remember here is; where do we define the “sphere” of the federal government? That’s right; in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution and anything not found within this section belongs to the States or to the People. So where does health care belong? The last place it belongs is with the President or Congress It is NOT their responsibility, and the States need to make sure that Obama does not overstep his authority.
Just in case there is any doubt as to what the Supreme Court meant, let’s take one more look at Mack/Printz. “This separation of the two spheres is one of the Constitution’s structural protections of liberty. Hence, a double security arises to the rights of the people. The different governments will control each other…” What? The Constitution, the supreme law of the land, has as a “structural protection of liberty” that States will keep the federal government in check? No wonder it was called a system of “checks and balances.” The States (and Counties) are to maintain the balance of power by keeping the feds within their proper sphere.

So do the States have to take the bullying of the federal government? Not hardly! The States do not have to take or support or pay for Obamacare or anything else from Washington DC. The States are not subject to federal direction. They are sovereign and “The Constitution protects us from our own best intentions.” (Mack/Printz) Which means the States can tell national healthcare proposals or laws to take a flying leap off the Washington monument. We are not subject to federal direction!

In the final order pursuant to the Mack/Printz ruling Scalia warned, “The federal government may neither, issue directives requiring the States to address particular problems, nor command the States’ officers, or those of their political subdivisions, to administer or enforce a federal regulatory program.Such commands are fundamentally incompatible with our constitutional system of dual sovereignty.” It is rather obvious that nationalized healthcare definitely qualifies as a “federal regulatory program.”

Thus, the marching on Washington and pleas and protests to our DC politicians are misdirected. Such actions are “pie in the sky” dreaming that somehow expects the tyrants who created the tyranny, will miraculously put a stop to it. Throughout the history of the world such has never been the case.

Tyrants have never stopped their own corrupt ways. However, in our system of “dual sovereignty,” the States can do it. If we are to take back America and keep this process peaceful, then state and local officials will have to step up to the plate. Doing so is what States’ Rights and State Sovereignty are all about.
–Sheriff Mack

See the full decision and majority opinion written by Justice Scalia here:


Sheriffs Begin Revolt Against Federal Authority
by Sheriff Mack

Sat, Sep 19th, 2009 12:00:00 am

More info visit:

From Sheriff Mack

Hi, I’m Richard Mack, former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, and long-time crusader for freedom and individual rights. Right now, it is vital that we restore the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. The greatest threat we face today is not terrorists; it is our own federal government. If America is conquered or ruined it will be from within, not a foreign enemy.

In 1994 I filed a lawsuit challenging the Brady bill to stop the federal government from forcing another unfunded mandate down our throats. I won a decision at the US Supreme Court on the issue of States’ rights. This suit catapulted me to national attention, with television appearances on the Donahue Show, Good Morning America, Crossfire, Nightline, CNBC, and SHOWTIME’S the AMERICAN CANDIDATE. I’ve been on over 500 radio talk shows nationwide, ranging from G. Gordon Liddy and Charles Goyette to Derry Brownfield and Pat Buchannan. I have traveled the country extensively and I’ve seen first hand the horrible side effects from politicians who have replaced our Constitution with their own political agendas and party platforms.

I lecture and give seminars on constitutional issues relating to gun control, law enforcement, States’ rights, the farce, otherwise known as the drug war, and the oath of office. I have also been a consultant for lawyers, and people in general helping them with cases of unlawful arrests and police misconduct. I have stood for “the little guy” against “big brother” government.

On this site you’ll find many articles and extracts from books I’ve written on many subjects related to maintaining our freedom as a people. I am deeply committed to the belief that government should exist to protect the freedoms of the individuals whom it serves. We must return to those principles that our country was founded upon!

The founders of our nation were afraid of one thing more than any other… government having too much power! Remember, they escaped from the tyranny of an oppressive and controlling government when they established this nation. They fought and died for it, and now we are letting these same freedoms they fought for slip away little by little, without a second thought.

Please join me in the fight to regain our rights, while the price to pay is less than death. I am committed to doing all we can peacefully to get our country back.

In order to succeed, we must first make ourselves aware of the problem. We must educate ourselves, and then we can know what action to take. One of the best and easiest solutions is to depend on local officials, especially the sheriff, to stand against federal intervention and federal criminality.

And this is the purpose of my work: I write and speak so that others will become educated and free.

What rights does the constitution actually guarantee?
Why is it important that we not allow our means of self-defense to be taken from us?
What are the dangers of giving government too much power?
What can we do to remain strong as individuals and families, so that we can remain strong as a nation?
How do we win the war on illegal drugs?
What can the sheriff do to protect us from all enemies, both foreign and domestic?

Please take a few moments to read and think about these things. It really may be a life or death situation!

More info visit:

Challenge for ALL Sheriffs including Daryl R. Anderson of Lincoln County Montana

Are you letting some Federal officer or official run your department?

Did you take the oath to support, defend, and obey the Constitution for the United States of America, and the Constitution of your State?

If you took it, in Montana it should be on file with the clerk and recorder.
Is your oath on file?

Are you going to keep that oath?

We the People of the County have a right to know. If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen! If you are going to knuckle under to unlawful federal actions resign now so we can get a sheriff who will keep His oath.

If you say you will resign when they ask you to go get the guns, you have already broken your oath. You are part of the problem, not part of the solution!

Here is your challenge:

Sign on to Oath Keepers here:

Paul Stramer

Republican Precinct Committeeman Precinct 3, and State Committeeman, Lincoln County Montana
LEGAL NOTICE: The Authors specifically invoke the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press, without prejudice, on this website. The information posted on this website is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America. Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this website may be reproduced unless by written consent. You hereby have written consent to post any individual post on this website containing this copyright to any other blog or email only if you post the whole and unaltered article including this copyright, and give proper credit to the author, and a link back to this blog at This applies only to articles written by Paul Stramer. ©2005-2009 by Montana Business Communications (PDS) All rights remain in force. Removing this notice forfeits all rights to recourse. Copyright strictly enforced © The video is third party and not covered by this legal notice.