Category Archives: Manna World Holding Trust

Manna World Holding Trust: Pilate Attempts to Wash His Hands

By Anna Von Reitz

People need to think— and I mean, really think– about the information contained in my new book for Donald J. Trump.

This explains explicitly who the parties were that engaged in the so-called Civil War: the British-backed territorial service provider doing business as “the United States of America” and some members of the original “Confederation of States” formed under the Articles of Confederation, that up until 1861 was doing business as the “States of America”. The breakaway states booted up a new business called the “Confederate States of America”.

So, none of these entities were our actual government at all. Our actual government is unincorporated. These other entities were and are just governmental service providers in the business of providing government services per Article IV of all three federal constitutions.

After the so-called “war”— which was never declared, never ended by peace treaty, and never fought by any sovereign government at all— the perpetrators pulled off a variety of fraud schemes involving identity theft, substitution, unlawful conversion, and later on, bankruptcy fraud, making false and unjustifiable claims against the people and actual states of this country.

Fast forward to now— the vermin contrived to “redefine” your Given Name as that of a “decedent” who willingly gave up your inheritance “for” you when you were just a baby in your cradle. They established bonds against your labor and other assets “for” you, and they set up a Puerto Rican ESTATE trust “for” you—for the express purpose of pillaging you and your country in Breach of Trust.

That is actually, provably what has gone on here.

Remember that in this instance a “bond” is nothing but an I.O.U.– a promise to pay, and in this case, your supposed promise to give them all your assets and claim to your labor in supposedly equitable exchange for “benefits” that you also pay for yourselves, so the entire purported contract is self-interested and invalid and inequitable from the get-go. It is, in fact, preposterous and nothing that anyone in their right mind would agree to— which they then use as proof that you are mentally incompetent.

Beginning to get the drift of all this?

And now enters “Manna World Holdings Trust”— yet another foul fantasy construction made out of thin air — claiming that they were given title to you and your labor and they are now generously giving “you” and your assets back to the bankrupt federal corporation headed up by President Trump.
Kim Goguen, the mastermind behind this maneuver was named “Trustee” by a Draco “Lord of the Admiralty” and is in fact just a glorified bank terminal operator given the codes and downloads into the DTC and Federal Reserve System — which is also bankrupt and null and void.

What is the net effect? The guilty parties are trying to wash their hands and give themselves assets to feed upon in the same stroke. It’s not a bad plan from their perspective, there’s just one tiny flaw at the heart of it. It’s all based on fraud.

The situation is somewhat akin to the old Florida Real Estate Scam. The con artist offers you a Quit Claim Deed to property he doesn’t own. It’s the same schtick here. Manna World Holdings Trust has a false claim against your assets, which they are generously releasing.

The only actual effect is to allow them to presume that they ever had a valid claim against you and your good Name and your assets in the first place, and therefore allow Donald Trump to presume the same.

It’s all bull shit by any other name and you would be crazy to allow any of it any credence whatsoever.

Repeat after me: “”No contract now, no contract then, no contract ever.”

President Trump, just because Manna World Holdings Trust gives you their Quit Claim on property that was never theirs to begin with, doesn’t mean that you suddenly have a valid claim to own, use, or abuse our property, either. Americans claim their Trade Names and ESTATES without exception and without reference to your bankrupt corporation.

The servants are not allowed to own the masters. There is no statute of limitations on fraud. I don’t care how many generations of people have believed this poop. The facts are the facts. We rebut all claims of interest and ownership made by Manna World Holdings Trust and all claims prior to theirs and all claims subsequent, too.
Our good names are our own. Our assets are ours. And nobody but nobody has a leg to stand on otherwise.

Pilate’s hands are still just as dirty as they ever were.

See this article and over 800 others on Anna’s website here:
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